.PS cct_init linewid = 2.0 linethick_(2.0) R1: resistor thinlines_ box dotted wid last [].wid ht last [].ht at last [] move to 0.85 between last [].sw and last [].se spline <- down arrowht*2 right arrowht/2 then right 0.15; "\tt last []" ljust arrow <- down 0.3 from R1.start chop 0.05; "\tt R1.start" below arrow <- down 0.3 from R1.end chop 0.05; "\tt R1.end" below arrow <- down last [].c.y-last arrow.end.y from R1.c; "\tt R1.centre" below dimension_(from R1.start to R1.end,0.45,\tt elen\_,0.4) dimension_(right_ dimen_ from R1.c-(dimen_/2,0),0.3,\tt dimen\_,0.5) .PE