.PS # Dac.m4 cct_init s_init(Dacx) ar = 0.15 Q: dac thinlines_ arrow <- left ar from last [].In1; { move left 0.15 } "In1" above rjust at Here+(0.1,0) "\sl NW" at Q.NW above rjust "\sl SW" at Q.SW below rjust "\sl SE" at Q.SE below ljust "\sl NE" at Q.NE above ljust arrow <- up ar from Q.N1; "\sl N1" above arrow <- down ar from Q.S1; "\sl S1" below arrow <- right ar from Q.Out1; "\sl Out1" above ljust at Here-(0.1,0) arrow <- right ar down ar/2 from Q.C; "\sl C" ljust s_box(`\tt d`'ac') at Q.s+(0,-0.3) below thicklines_ Q:dac(,,2,2,3,3) with .w at last [].e+(0.9,0) thinlines_ "DAC" at Q.C arrow <- left ar from Q.In1; "\sl In1" rjust arrow <- left ar from Q.In2; "\sl In2" rjust arrow <- up ar from Q.N1; "\sl N1" above rjust arrow <- up ar from Q.N2; "\sl N2" above ljust arrow <- right ar from Q.Out1; "\sl Out1" ljust arrow <- right ar from Q.Out2; "\sl Out2" ljust arrow <- right ar from Q.Out3; "\sl Out3" ljust arrow <- down ar left ar/2 from Q.S1; "\sl S1" below rjust arrow <- down ar from Q.S2; "\sl S2" below arrow <- down ar right ar/2 from Q.S3; "\sl S3" below ljust s_box( `\tt Q: d`'ac(,{,}2,2,3,3); \"DAC\" \"2\" at Q.C') at Q.s+(0,-0.3) below thicklines_ Q: adc with .nw at last [].ne + (0.9,0) thinlines_ "\sl NW" at Q.NW above rjust "\sl SW" at Q.SW below rjust "\sl SE" at Q.SE below ljust "\sl NE" at Q.NE above ljust arrow <- left ar from Q.In1; "\sl In1" rjust above at Here+(0.1,0) arrow <- up ar from Q.N1; "\sl N1" above arrow <- down ar from Q.S1; "\sl S1" below arrow <- right ar from Q.Out1; "\sl Out1" ljust above at Here-(0.1,0) arrow <- left ar down ar/2 from Q.C; "\sl C" rjust s_box(`\tt a`'dc') at Q.s+(0,-0.3) below thicklines_ Q:adc(,,2,2,3,3) with .w at last [].e+(0.8,0) thinlines_ "ADC" at Q.C arrow <- left ar from Q.In1; "\sl In1" rjust arrow <- left ar from Q.In2; "\sl In2" rjust arrow <- up ar from Q.N1; "\sl N1" above rjust arrow <- up ar from Q.N2; "\sl N2" above ljust arrow <- right ar from Q.Out1; "\sl Out1" ljust arrow <- right ar from Q.Out2; "\sl Out2" ljust arrow <- right ar from Q.Out3; "\sl Out3" ljust arrow <- down ar left ar/2 from Q.S1; "\sl S1" below rjust arrow <- down ar from Q.S2; "\sl S2" below arrow <- down ar right ar/2 from Q.S3; "\sl S3" below ljust s_box(`\tt a`'dc(,{,}2,2,3,3)') at Q.s+(0,-0.3) below .PE