.PS # `EmarrowsMan.m4' cct_init hskip = 0.6 { A: em_arrows() box dotted wid A.wid ht A.ht at A.c thinlines_ arrow <- left 0.15 from A.Head; "\sl Head" wid 0.31 rjust arrow <- right 0.12 from A.Tail; "\sl Tail" ljust arrow <- left 0.15 from 0.6 between A.A1.end and A.A1.start; "\sl A1" rjust arrow <- right 0.15 up 0.07 from A.A2; "\sl A2" ljust thicklines_ move down 0.25 from A.s move up 0.2 from A.n "\tt em\_arrows(N)" at A.s+(0,-4bp__) below } { em_arrows(ND,45) with .sw at last [].se+(hskip*1.5,0) "\tt $\ldots$(ND,45)" at last [].s below } { em_arrows(I) with .sw at last [].se+(hskip,0) "\tt $\ldots$(I)" at last [].s below } { em_arrows(ID) with .sw at last [].se+(hskip,0) "\tt $\ldots$(ID)" at last [].s below } { em_arrows(E) with .sw at last [].se+(hskip,0) "\tt $\ldots$(E)" at last [].s below } { A: em_arrows(NT) with .sw at last [].se+(hskip,0) "\tt $\ldots$(NT)" at last [].s below } .PE