.PS # OpampMan.m4 sinclude(FOpamp.dim) sinclude(Circuit_macros.dim) sinclude(tst.dim) s_init(Opamp) cct_init A: opamp(,,,\;body=shaded "yellow") thinlines_ s_box(`\tt\shortstack[l]{opam{}p(,{,},\\body=shaded \"yellow\")}') \ at A.s-(0,0.35) s_box(\sl Out) below at A.Out spline <- from A.In1 left 0.1 then up 0.1 left 0.1 s_box(\sl In1) rjust above spline <- from A.In2 left 0.1 then down 0.1 left 0.1 s_box(\sl In2) rjust below arrow <- up 0.1 right 0.1 from A.N s_box(\sl N) ljust above arrow <- up 0.1 right 0.1 from A.E1 s_box(\sl E1) ljust above arrow <- up 0.1 right 0.1 from A.E s_box(\sl E) ljust above arrow <- down 0.1 right 0.1 from A.E2 s_box(\sl E2) ljust below arrow <- down 0.1 right 0.1 from A.S s_box(\sl S) ljust below arrow <- left 0.2 from A.W s_box(\sl W) rjust thicklines_ Point_(90) B: opamp(,,,,PR) with .sw at A.se+(1,0) thinlines_ s_box(`\tt\shortstack[l]{Point\_(90);\\opam{}p(,{,},{,}PR)}') \ at B.s-(0,0.20) spline <- left arrowht down arrowht from B.V1 then left 0.1 s_box(\sl V1) rjust spline <- right arrowht down arrowht from B.V2 then right 0.1 s_box(\sl V2) ljust thicklines_ right_ D: opamp(,,,body=shaded "orange",T) with .sw at B.se+(0.95,0) s_box(`\tt\shortstack[l]{opam{}p(,{,},\\body=shaded \"orange\"\\,T)}') \ at D.s+(0.2,-0.25) .PE