\documentclass{article} \usepackage{ketpic,ketlayer} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{bm,enumerate} \usepackage[colorlinks=true,urlcolor=blue]{hyperref} \setmargin{20}{20}{20}{20} \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$\cdot$} \renewcommand{\labelitemii}{$\cdot$} \begin{document} \begin{center} How to install KeTCindy(Linux) \end{center} \hfill modified\ :\ \today \begin{enumerate}[\bf\large 1.] \item Install Cinderella, R, Maxima and Evince if necessary. \begin{enumerate}[(1)] \item Download \verb|Unix Install| from \\ \hspace*{10mm}\url{https://beta.cinderella.de} and move it to user's home for example. \item Put \verb|setcindyetc.sh| in user's home, for example, and edit it with a text editor.\\ \hspace*{5mm}Rem) The file is in \verb|ketcindyfolder/forLinux|. \item Execute\\ \hspace*{10mm}\verb|sudo bash ~/setcindyetc.sh| \end{enumerate} \item Install TeX if any TeX has not been installed. \begin{enumerate}[(1)] \item TeXLive is recommended. \begin{itemize} \item Files necessary for KeTCindy are already implemented (2018 or later). \end{itemize} \item KeTTeX is a light-weight version of TeXLive and downloadable from\\ \hspace*{6mm}\url{https://www.dropbox.com/sh/79ofbls9nf0ywkj/AAA4KaH6MaFsaL0e-ACqw-0Ya?dl=0} \begin{itemize} \item Put the file in user's home and extract it. \item Execute the fillowing on the terminal.\\  \hspace*{10mm}\verb|sudo bash ~/kettex/setkettex.sh| \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \item Install KeTCindy \begin{enumerate}[(1)] \item Download ketcindy from CTAN(\url{https://ctan.org})\\ \hspace*{10mm}Search ketcindy \verb|>| Pack­age ketcindy \verb|>| download \begin{itemize} \item The latest version can be downloaded from Repository:\\ \hspace*{5mm}\url{https://github.com/ket­pic/ketcindy}\\ \hspace*{10mm}Clone or Download \verb|>| Download ZIP \end{itemize} \item Open ketcindy(-master)/forLinux. \item Open setketcindy.sh with a text editor and confirm/modify paths. \begin{itemize} \item Execute on terminal:\\ \hspace*{10mm}\verb|sudo bash setketcindy.sh| \item Contents of scripts will be copied into TeX. \item Style files for \ketcindy\ will be copied and mktexlsr will be executed. \item In Cinderella/PlugIns\\ \hspace*{5mm}KetcindyPluign.jar will be copied.\\ \hspace*{5mm}ketcindy.ini will be generated or remade(if selected). \item TeX(typeset) will be usually latex,xelatex or pdflatex. \end{itemize} \item Open setwork.sh with a text editor and confirm/modify it. \begin{itemize} \item Execute on terminal:\\ \hspace*{10mm}\verb|bash setwork.sh| \item Contents of “work” will be copied into "ketcindy"(work folder). \item \verb|.ketcindy.conf| will be also generated in User's home.\\ \hspace*{10mm}You can change the setting of PasthT, Mackc, etc. \item Template of "ketcindy.conf" will be also copied to work directory. \item Configuration files are read in order of \begin{enumerate}[1)] \item ketoutset.txt \item ketcindy.conf in User's home \item ketcindy.conf in the work folder. \end{enumerate} \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \item Test run of KeTCindy \begin{enumerate}[(1)] \item Test template1basic.cdy in ketcindy (work folder). \begin{itemize} \item Execute on terminal:\\ \hspace*{10mm}\verb|cd (to the path of ketcindy)|\\ \hspace*{10mm}\verb|Cinderella2 template1basic.cdy| \item a frame in white will appear on the screen. \end{itemize} \item Press "Figure" button at the top left, then the final PDF output will be displayed. \end{enumerate} \item Set Texworks if necessary. \begin{itemize} \item Downloadable from \url{https://github.com/TeXworks/texworks/releases/}. \end{itemize} \item Install \verb|gcc| for drawings of surface. \end{enumerate} \end{document}