%* ------------------------------------------- %* mathsPIC 2.1 %* Copyright (c) RWD Nickalls 1999-2000 %* Email: dicknickalls@compuserve.com %* Date (m/d/y) : 11-05-2000 21:10:47 %* Command Line: /b/s MPICM12.M %* Input Filename: MPICM12.M %* Output Filename: MPICM12.MT %* ------------------------------------------- %% mPICm12.m (figure 12) %% mathsPIC dynamic figure %%------------------- %\documentclass[a4paper]{article} %\usepackage{pictexwd} %\begin{document} %%--------------------- \beginpicture %% paper{units(mm),xrange(5,110),yrange(0,45)} \setcoordinatesystem units < 1mm, 1mm> \setplotarea x from 5 to 110, y from 0 to 45 %% point(A){15,5}[$\odot$,1.2] ( 15 , 5 ) %% point(P){A,shift(10,30)}[$\odot$,1.2] ( 25 , 35 ) %% point(B){A,polar(45,60deg)} ( 37.5 , 43.97115 ) %% point(Q){perpendicular(P,AB)} ( 30.49038 , 31.83013 ) %% drawRightangle(PQA,2) \plot 29.49038 30.09808 27.75833 31.09808 / \plot 28.75833 32.83013 27.75833 31.09808 / %% drawpoints(ABPQ) \put {$\odot$} at 15 5 %% A \put {$\bullet$} at 37.5 43.97115 %% B \put {$\odot$} at 25 35 %% P \put {$\bullet$} at 30.49038 31.83013 %% Q %% drawline(ABPQ) \plot 15.6 6.03923 37.5 43.97115 / %% AB \plot 37.5 43.97115 25.97491 35.69968 / %% BP \plot 26.03923 34.4 30.49038 31.83013 / %% PQ %% drawincircle(PQB) %% Incircle centre = 29.58027 , 35.22668 ; TrueRadius = 2.486452 [ 2.486452 ] \circulararc 360 degrees from 32.06673 35.22668 center at 29.58027 35.22668 %% text($A$){A,shift(-5,0)} \put {$A$} at 10 5 %% text($B$){B,shift(5,0)} \put {$B$} at 42.5 43.97115 %% text($P$){P,shift(-5,0)} \put {$P$} at 20 35 %% point(S){pointOnLine(QP,-5)} ( 34.82051 , 29.33013 ) %% text($Q$){S} \put {$Q$} at 34.82051 29.33013 %% point(N){A,shift(0,10)} ( 15 , 15 ) \setdashes %% drawline(AN) \putrule from 15 6.2 to 15 15 %% AN \setsolid %% drawAngleArrow{angle(NAB),radius(5.7),clockwise,internal} \circulararc -30.00002 degrees from 15 10.7 center at 15 5 \arrow <1.5mm> [0.5, 1] from 16.94345 10.35845 to 17.85 9.936344 %%--------- second figure %% point*(A){60,5}[$\odot$,1.2] ( 60 , 5 ) %% point*(P){A,shift(10,30)}[$\odot$,1.2] ( 70 , 35 ) %% point*(B){A,polar(45,5deg)} ( 104.8288 , 8.922009 ) %%5 60 deg %% point*(Q){perpendicular(P,AB)} ( 72.52876 , 6.096125 ) %% drawRightangle(PQA,2) \plot 70.53638 5.921813 70.36206 7.914203 / \plot 72.35445 8.088514 70.36206 7.914203 / %% drawpoints(ABPQ) \put {$\odot$} at 60 5 %% A \put {$\bullet$} at 104.8288 8.922009 %% B \put {$\odot$} at 70 35 %% P \put {$\bullet$} at 72.52876 6.096125 %% Q %% drawline(ABPQ) \plot 61.19543 5.104587 104.8288 8.922009 / %% AB \plot 104.8288 8.922009 70.96058 34.28077 / %% BP \plot 70.10458 33.80457 72.52876 6.096125 / %% PQ %% drawincircle(PQB) %% Incircle centre = 80.67732 , 15.80719 ; TrueRadius = 8.963924 [ 8.963924 ] \circulararc 360 degrees from 89.64125 15.80719 center at 80.67732 15.80719 %% text($A$){A,shift(-5,0)} \put {$A$} at 55 5 %% text($B$){B,shift(5,0)} \put {$B$} at 109.8288 8.922009 %% text($P$){P,shift(-5,0)} \put {$P$} at 65 35 %% point*(S){pointOnLine(QP,-5)} ( 72.96454 , 1.115151 ) %% text($Q$){S} \put {$Q$} at 72.96454 1.115151 %% point*(N){A,shift(0,10)} ( 60 , 15 ) \setdashes %% drawline(AN) \putrule from 60 6.2 to 60 15 %% AN \setsolid %% drawAngleArrow{angle(NAB),radius(5.7),clockwise,internal} \circulararc -85.00002 degrees from 60 10.7 center at 60 5 \arrow <1.5mm> [0.5, 1] from 65.5041 6.481498 to 65.67831 5.496788 %%------ \endpicture %\end{document}