\subsection{Adding and deleting hydrogens} The next example renders an SDF file for doxorubicin, downloaded from PubChem% % \footnote{We could also just have used the \texttt{-i pubchem} option, but since we are going to reuse the file, a local copy is handy.} \lstinputlisting{doxo-from-sdf.sh} This gives us \cfpic{doxo-raw.tex} Yikes. Let's remove the explicit hydrogens with option \lstinline!--hydrogens=delete! or \lstinline!-y delete!: \lstinputlisting{doxo-strip-h.sh} This gives \cfpic{doxo-stripped.tex} It is also possible to \emph{add} hydrogens to a structure that does not supply them; for example: \lstinputlisting{phenol-add-h.sh} produces \cfpic{phenol-with-hydrogens.tex} By default, \mcf neither removes nor adds hydrogens. Note also that adding hydrogens will trigger coordinate recalculation (see section \ref{sec:recalc}).