% % CoDi: Commutative Diagrams for TeX % Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Paolo Brasolin % SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT % % This file is part of CoDi 1.1.2, released on 2024/04/22 under MIT license. % % βάπτω • (báptō) % 1. I dip, submerge % 2. I dye, colour % 3. I baptise % Bapto is a node labeling mechanism. % It allows non-invasive relabeling and preprocessing. % ,-- input input hook % `-> controller --. the controller conditionally % ,---[overwrite]--' (depending upon the given overwriting behaviour) % `-> trigger -----. calls the trigger % ,--- ??? <-------' either short the keys or do preprocessing here % `-> dispatcher --. the dispatcher conditionally % ,---[overwrite]--| (depending upon the given overwriting behaviour) % `-> (name|alias) | assigns the label % output <-----' output hook %==[ input ]==================================================================== \pgfqkeys{/bapto/input}{ .forward to=/bapto/controller } %==[ controller/dispatcher ]==================================================== \pgfqkeys{/bapto/overwrite}{.is choice, false/.style={/bapto/controller/.code={\def\kDTmp{##1}\ifx\kDTmp\empty\else \ifx\tikz@fig@name\empty \pgfqkeys{/bapto}{trigger={##1}}\fi\fi}, /bapto/dispatcher/.code={\pgfqkeys{/tikz}{name=##1}% \pgfqkeys{/bapto}{output=##1}}}, alias/.style={/bapto/controller/.code={\def\kDTmp{##1}\ifx\kDTmp\empty\else \pgfqkeys{/bapto}{trigger={##1}}\fi}, /bapto/dispatcher/.code={\pgfqkeys{/tikz}{alias=##1}% \pgfqkeys{/bapto}{output=##1}}}, true/.style= {/bapto/controller/.code={\def\kDTmp{##1}\ifx\kDTmp\empty\else \pgfqkeys{/bapto}{trigger={##1}}\fi}, /bapto/dispatcher/.code={\pgfqkeys{/tikz}{name=##1}% \pgfqkeys{/bapto}{output=##1}}}, false, % default is no name overwriting and no aliasing } %==[ output ]=================================================================== \pgfqkeys{/bapto/output}{ .code={} }