%% %% This is the documentation of DPcircling package. %% (Last Update: 2020/04/15) %% Maintained on GitHub: %% https://github.com/domperor/DPcircling %% %% Copyright (c) 2020 Oura M. (domperor) %% Released under the MIT license %% https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php %% \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{url} \geometry{a4paper,total={170mm,257mm},left=20mm,top=20mm} \usepackage{DPcircling} \title{DPcircling package v1.0} \author{Oura M. (domperor)} \date{\today} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \maketitle\thispagestyle{empty} \section*{about this package} This package provides 4 types of text decorations: \verb+\DPcircling+ \DPcircling{circle}, \verb+\DPrectangle+ \DPrectangle{rectangle}, \verb+\DPjagged+ \DPjagged{jagged rectangle}, and \verb+\DPfanshape+ \DPfanshape{fan-shape}. The baseline would be adjusted properly according to the surroundings\footnote{Unless you cram too tall things into a small decoration box. The box would be broken, and you would make a mess.}. You can use these decorations both in text mode and in math mode. You can specify \verb+line color+, \verb+line width+, \verb+width+, and \verb+height+ as option keys. \ This package is maintained on GitHub: \url{https://github.com/domperor/DPcircling} \subsection*{basic usage} \begin{quote} (in preamble): \verb+\usepackage[+\textit{\texttt{driver}}\verb+]{graphicx}\usepackage{DPcircling}+\footnote{The author personally uses dvipdfmx as the driver.} (in your text): \verb+\DP*****[+\textit{\texttt{options}}\verb+]{+\textit{\texttt{content}}\verb+}+ \end{quote} For instance, the code \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} It is a \DPjagged[line color=blue,line width=1.4pt]{\color{brown}great} opportunity. \end{verbatim} \end{quote} \noindent gives the result: \begin{quote} It is a \DPjagged[line color=blue, line width= 1.4pt]{\color{brown}great} opportunity. \end{quote} \subsection*{required packages} DPcircling requires the following packages: \verb+tikz+, \verb+keyval+, \verb+graphicx+, and the ones that these packages require. \subsection*{aliases} \verb+\DPcircle+ and \verb+\DPcirc+ are the aliases of \verb+\DPcircling+. \verb+\DPrect+ is the alias of \verb+\DPrectangle+. \subsection*{changing default values} The default values of \verb+line color+, \verb+line width+, \verb+width+, and \verb+height+ are \verb+black+, \verb+1pt+, noted below(*), and \verb+2*(content height)+. You can modify these like this: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} \DPcirclingDefault{line color=brown, line width=0.33pt, width=4em, height=5em} \end{verbatim} \end{quote} \noindent (*) The default values of \verb+width+ are \verb+max{2*(content width), 2em}+ (circle) and \verb:(content width)+2em: (else). \section*{version history} 2020/04/15 v1.0 \end{document}