\title{LaTeX Set Deck: Documentation} \date{\today} \author{Gwyn Whieldon} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=1.25in, headheight=14pt]{geometry} \usepackage{setdeck} \begin{document} \maketitle This document describes a package for typesetting Set cards using TikZ in LaTeX. We use the conventions: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{| c | c | c | c | c |} \hline Coordinate & Number & Shading & Color & Shape \\ \hline 1 & 1 & plain & red & diamond \\ 2 & 2 & striped & green & oval \\ 3 & 3 & solid & purple & squiggle \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} To typeset a basic Set card, we use the commands \verb|\setcard| or \verb|\smallsetcard|, with arguments \verb|\setcard{}{}{}{}{} |. \vspace{10pt} So to typeset, for example, the full-sized card with two striped purple diamonds, we use the command \verb|\setcard{2}{2}{3}{1}{1}|, which produces: \vspace{10pt} \begin{center} \setcard{2}{2}{3}{1}{1} \end{center} \vspace{10pt} For many purposes, this will be too large. To typeset a more reasonably sized card (let's say, this time, we typeset three solid red squiggles) we might prefer to use \verb|\setcard{3}{3}{1}{3}{0.5}| or \verb|\smallsetcard{3}{3}{1}{3}{0.5}|, which produce (respectively): \vspace{10pt} \begin{center} \setcard{3}{3}{1}{3}{0.5}$\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;$\smallsetcard{3}{3}{1}{3}{0.5} \end{center} Here is a preview of all cards (produced with \verb|\smallsetcard|) produced by the \verb|setdeck.sty| package: \vspace{10pt} \begin{center} \foreach \shading in {1,2,3}{ \foreach \shape in {1,2,3} { \smallsetcard{1}{\shading}{1}{\shape}{0.25}\hspace{3pt}\smallsetcard{2}{\shading}{1}{\shape}{0.25}\hspace{3pt}\smallsetcard{3}{\shading}{1}{\shape}{0.25}\hspace{10pt}\smallsetcard{1}{\shading}{2}{\shape}{0.25}\hspace{3pt}\smallsetcard{2}{\shading}{2}{\shape}{0.25}\hspace{3pt}\smallsetcard{3}{\shading}{2}{\shape}{0.25}\hspace{10pt}\smallsetcard{1}{\shading}{3}{\shape}{0.25}\hspace{3pt}\smallsetcard{2}{\shading}{3}{\shape}{0.25}\hspace{3pt}\smallsetcard{3}{\shading}{3}{\shape}{0.25} \vspace{5pt} } \vspace{15pt} } \end{center} \end{document}