% !TeX spellcheck = en_US % !TeX root = tikz-ext-manual.tex % Copyright 2022 by Qrrbrbirlbel % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Free Documentation License. % \section{Shape: Rectangle with Rounded Corners} \begin{pgflibrary}{ext.shapes.rectangleroundedcorners} A rectangle with rounded corners. \end{pgflibrary} \begin{shape}{rectangle with rounded corners} This library provides a |rectangle with rounded corners| where every corner can have a different radius. \begin{key}{/pgf/rectangle with rounded corners north west radius=\meta{dimen} (initially .5\string\pgflinewidth)} Sets the north west radius to \meta{dimen}. \end{key} \begin{key}{/pgf/rectangle with rounded corners north east radius=\meta{dimen} (initially .5\string\pgflinewidth)} Sets the north east radius to \meta{dimen}. \end{key} \begin{key}{/pgf/rectangle with rounded corners south west radius=\meta{dimen} (initially .5\string\pgflinewidth)} Sets the south west radius to \meta{dimen}. \end{key} \begin{key}{/pgf/rectangle with rounded corners south east radius=\meta{dimen} (initially .5\string\pgflinewidth)} Sets the south east radius to \meta{dimen}. \end{key} \begin{key}{/pgf/rectangle with rounded corners radius=\meta{dimen}} Sets all radii to \meta{dimen}. \end{key} \begin{codeexample}[preamble=\usepgflibrary{ext.shapes.rectangleroundedcorners}] \begin{tikzpicture}\Huge \node[name=s, shape=rectangle with rounded corners, shape example, rectangle with rounded corners north west radius=10pt, rectangle with rounded corners north east radius=20pt, rectangle with rounded corners south west radius=30pt, rectangle with rounded corners south east radius=40pt] {Rectangle with rounded corners\vrule width 1pt height 2cm}; \foreach \anchor/\placement in {north west/above left, north/above, north east/above right, west/left, center/above, east/right, mid west/right, mid/above, mid east/left, base west/left, base/below, base east/right, south west/below left, south/below, south east/below right, text/below, 10/right, 130/above, north west center/below right, north east center/left, south west center/above right, south east center/left, below north west/left, above south west/left, above south east/right, below north east/right, right north west/above, right south west/below, left south east/below, left north east/above} \draw[shift=(s.\anchor)] plot[mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)} node[\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(s.\anchor)}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} \end{shape} \endinput