%% @texfile{ %% filename = "amsppt1.tex", %% version = "2.2", %% date = "2001/08/07", %% time = "13:17:37 EDT", %% checksum = "11263 141 693 5811", %% filetype = "AMS-TeX: option", %% author = "American Mathematical Society", %% copyright = "Copyright 1991, 2001 American Mathematical Society, %% all rights reserved. Copying of this file is %% authorized only if either: %% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy %% including name; OR %% (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it %% to some other name.", %% address = "American Mathematical Society, %% Technical Support, %% Publications Technical Group, %% P. O. Box 6248, %% Providence, RI 02940, %% USA", %% telephone = "401-455-4080 or (in the USA and Canada) %% 800-321-4AMS (321-4267)", %% FAX = "401-331-3842", %% email = "tech-support@ams.org (Internet)", %% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %% keywords = "amstex, ams-tex, tex", %% abstract = "This is a a conversion file that makes documents %% prepared for AMSPPT version 1 compatible with AMSPPT %% version 2.0+. The statement %% \input amsppt1 %% needs to be added after the \documentstyle line in each %% document to be converted.", %% docstring = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum %% as the first value, followed by the equivalent of %% the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of %% lines, words, and characters. This is produced by %% Robert Solovay's checksum utility.", %% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % We start by testing the control sequence \amsppt1.tex so that we % can prevent accidentally loading this file twice. \expandafter\ifx\csname amsppt1.tex\endcsname\relax \else\endinput\fi % Now we define \amsppt1.tex to handle catcoding of the @ sign. \expandafter\edef\csname amsppt1.tex\endcsname{% \catcode`\noexpand\@=\the\catcode`\@\space} \catcode`\@=11 % \let\ad@\address \def\address#1{\ad@#1\endaddress} \let\da@\date \def\date#1{\da@#1\enddate} \let\tk@\thanks \def\thanks#1{\tk@#1\endthanks} \let\kw@\keywords \def\keywords#1{\kw@#1\endkeywords} \let\su@\subjclass \def\subjclass#1{\su@#1\endsubjclass} \let\ab@\abstract \long\def\abstract#1{\ab@#1\endabstract} % % If we assume that documents that use amsppt1.tex will not be % intended for submission to the AMS, then it's better to revert to % the old page dimensions: % \parindent10\p@ \hsize26pc \vsize42pc \captionwidth@\hsize \advance\captionwidth@-1.5in % \def\nologo{\let\logo@\empty} % % Backward compatibility for \subheading and \heading are already % provided in AMSPPT 2.0 because (unlike the topmatter items) there % is no name conflict. % % In AMSPPT version 2.0+ \endRefs is expected at the end of the % References section. We install a test in \enddocument % to let us know if \endRefs needs to be added. % Just in case someone has amsppt1.tex but not amsppt.sty vers. 2.2 % we first make the change in the older version of \enddocument % and then use a test to prevent the newer version from being % read. \outer\def\enddocument{% \runaway@{proclaim}% % To test whether we are inside a \Refs section, we check % the \sfcode of the period. Just in case someone has % used \frenchspacing, we also check the \sfcode of the % comma as well. \ifnum\sfcode`\.=\@m % if sfcode of period = 1000, we must be in \Refs ... \ifnum\sfcode`\,=\@m\else % unless comma also has sfcode 1000, which % means \frenchspacing was used. \message{Note: For \styname\space version 2 compatibility, add \string\endRefs\space at end of \expandafter\eat@\string\\Refs section}% \endRefs \fi\fi \ifmonograph@ % do nothing \else \nobreak \thetranslator@ \count@\z@ \loop\ifnum\count@<\addresscount@\advance\count@\@ne \csname address\number\count@\endcsname \csname email\number\count@\endcsname \repeat \fi \vfill\supereject\end} % If \add@missing is undefined, let's quit here. \expandafter\ifx\csname add@missing\endcsname\relax % Restore the old catcode of the @ character: \csname amsppt1.tex\endcsname \endinput\fi \outer\def\enddocument{\par % \par will do a runaway check for \endref \expandafter\ifx\envir@end\endRefs \message{Note: For \styname\space version 2 compatibility, add \string\endRefs\space at end of \expandafter\eat@\string\\Refs section}% \endRefs \fi % Repeat these in case an article (or book chapter!) doesn't % have a references section: \add@missing\endroster \add@missing\endproclaim \add@missing\enddefinition \add@missing\enddemo \add@missing\endremark \add@missing\endexample % In a monograph we expect the translator name and author addresses % to be handled in the front matter rather than at the end of the % individual chapters: \ifmonograph@ % do nothing \else % No break between the References and the final matter. \nobreak \thetranslator@ % Print all the \address's, including e-mail addresses if present. % If any of the \email's are undefined the \csname will just evaluate % to \relax. \count@\z@ \loop\ifnum\count@<\addresscount@\advance\count@\@ne \csname address\number\count@\endcsname \csname email\number\count@\endcsname \repeat \fi \vfill\supereject\end} % % Restore the old catcode of the @ character: \csname amsppt1.tex\endcsname \endinput