% !TeX root = ../main.tex \begin{notation} \begin{notationlist}{2em} \item[$\displaystyle a$] The number of angels per unit area \item[$\displaystyle N$] The number of angels per needle point \item[$\displaystyle A$] The area of the needle point \item[$\displaystyle \sigma$] The total mass of angels per unit area \item[$\displaystyle m$] The mass of one angel \item[$\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n a_i$] The sum of $a_i$ \end{notationlist} \end{notation} % 也可以使用 nomencl 宏包 % \printnomenclature % \nomenclature{$\displaystyle a$}{The number of angels per unit are} % \nomenclature{$\displaystyle N$}{The number of angels per needle point} % \nomenclature{$\displaystyle A$}{The area of the needle point} % \nomenclature{$\displaystyle \sigma$}{The total mass of angels per unit area} % \nomenclature{$\displaystyle m$}{The mass of one angel} % \nomenclature{$\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n a_i$}{The sum of $a_i$}