Toggle LaTex template on/off ;latex Toggle norwegian characters/LaTex ;ToggleTex Replace all norwegian characters ;nor_to_tex Reverse ctrl-F3 ;tex_to_nor Find all match on global search ;find_match Display reult from last global search ;disp_match Toggle Latex Math on/off ;ToggleMath $ Toggle Latex Math on/off ;ToggleMath Find all \label{LABEL} in the file ;find_label Display list of LABELS from last search ;disp_label array ;array .. \begin "command" ;display_help "gen" "latex.txt" \cite ;cite displaymath ;displaymath .. \end "command" ;display_help "gen" "latex.txt" figure ;figure \grad ;grad HELP ;display_help "gen" "latex.txt" .. \itemize ;gen_help "item.mnu" \footnote ;footnote \caption ;caption \label ;label \math ?? ;math tabbing ;tabbing table etc.... ;table equation ;equation \ref ;ref .. sections ;gen_help "section.mnu" tabular ;tabular .. \underline etc. ;gen_help "uthev.mnu" minipage ;minipage document header and footer ;document eqnarray ;eqnarray