% $Revision: 1.4 $ { } % Unwanted space after `{' {\em hello} world % May need `\/' before `world' {\em hello\/ world}. % `\/' not needed before `world' hello\/ world % `\/' not needed after `hello' {\em hello\/}\/ world % Double `\/' {\em hello\/}, world % `\/' before `,' or `.' \[display math\]. % Punctuation mark after end of display math $math.$ % Punctuation mark before end of math mode \begin % Missing argument for \begin \begin{verbatim} TAB TAB % Tab in verbatim \end{verbatim} \end % Missing argument for \end a.k.a. world % Missing `\ ' after abbreviation HELLO. World % Missing `\@' before `.' hello~ world % Double space $ + \ldots + $ % Should be \cdots $ , \cdots , $ % Should be \ldots $ + .. + $ % Should be \cdots $ , .. , $ % Should be \ldots hello world... % Should be ellipsis \label{hello evil world} % Bad character in label Hello \ref{world} % Missing ~ Hello \footnote{world} % Whitespace before footnote \above % Primitive in LaTeX hello \rm{world} % Font specifier with argument \hello@world % @ in LaTeX macro name hello ''world'' % Quote begined with ' ``hello`` world % Quote ended with ` world . % Whitespace before punctuation mark \(hello world\] % Bad match \verb|hello world| % multi-line \verb % Local Variables: % mode: LaTeX % TeX-master: t % TeX-auto-update: nil % End: