% example4.tex % % This is a LameTeX document. You may use the LameTeX text formatter % to do fancy graphic formatting from this file into PostScript. % % Alternatively, this file may be formatted with normal LaTeX. % % Copyright 1992 Jonathan Monsarrat. Permission given to freely distribute, % edit and use as long as this copyright statement remains intact. % \documentstyle[10pt]{report} % THESE MARGINS ARE TOO SLIM FOR NORMAL LATEX % \begin{stealth} % \setlength{\textwidth}{7.5 in} % \setlength{\textheight}{10 in} % \setlength{\topmargin}{-1 in} % \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-.5 in} % \end{stealth} \begin{document} % \begin{stealth} \includeps{wigglies.ps} % \setlength{\baselinestretch}{1.5} \end{stealth} \begin{flushleft} \include{labkit} % LET'S CLEAN THIS MESS UP! % \begin{stealth} \begin{postscript} formatdict begin /SHOWIT { show } % bind def end \end{postscript} \end{stealth} Well, that was fun! You can't do that with TeX!! \end{flushleft} \end{document}