@online{cmh:videodemo, title = "Video demonstration of latexindent.pl on youtube", url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo38aaH2F4E&spfreload=10", urldate = {2017-02-21}, keywords = {other}, } @online{cpan, title = "CPAN: Comprehensive Perl Archive Network", urldate = {2017-01-23}, url = "http://www.cpan.org/", keywords = {perl}, } @online{strawberryperl, title = "Strawberry Perl", urldate = {2017-01-23}, url = "http://strawberryperl.com/", keywords = {perl}, } @online{cmhblog, title = "A Perl script for indenting tex files", urldate = {2017-01-23}, url = "http://tex.blogoverflow.com/2012/08/a-perl-script-for-indenting-tex-files/", keywords = {other}, } @online{latexindent-home, title = "Home of latexindent.pl", urldate = {2017-01-23}, url = "https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl", keywords = {other}, } @online{perlbrew, title = "Perlbrew", urldate = {2017-01-23}, url = "http://perlbrew.pl/", keywords = {perl}, } @online{textwrap, title = "Text::Wrap Perl module", url = "http://perldoc.perl.org/Text/Wrap.html", urldate = {2017-05-01}, keywords = {perl}, } @online{texttabs, title = "Text::Tabs Perl module", url = "http://search.cpan.org/~muir/Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523/lib.old/Text/Tabs.pm", urldate = {2017-07-06}, keywords = {perl}, } @online{log4perl, title = "Log4perl Perl module", url = "http://search.cpan.org/~mschilli/Log-Log4perl-1.49/lib/Log/Log4perl.pm", urldate = {2017-09-24}, keywords = {perl}, } @book{masteringregexp, title = "Mastering Regular Expressions", author = {Jeffrey E. F. Friedl}, ISBN = {0596002890}, keywords = {perl}, } @online{encoding, title = "perldoc Encode::Supported", url = "https://perldoc.perl.org/Encode::Supported", urldate = {2021-05-06}, keywords = {perl}, } @online{bersbersbers, title = "Windows line breaks on Linux prevent removal of white space from end of line", url = "https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl/issues/256", urldate = {2021-06-18}, keywords = {other}, } @online{dumper, title = "Data::Dumper module", url = "https://perldoc.perl.org/Data::Dumper", urldate = {2021-06-18}, keywords = {perl}, } @online{dumperdemo, title = "Data Dumper demonstration", url = "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7466825/how-do-you-sort-the-output-of-datadumper", urldate = {2021-06-18}, keywords = {perl}, } @online{conda, title = "conda forge", url = "https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge", urldate = {2021-12-22}, keywords = {conda}, } @online{anacoda, title = "anacoda", url = "https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual", urldate = {2021-12-22}, keywords = {conda}, } @online{condainstallubuntu, title = "How to install Anaconda on Ubuntu?", url = "https://askubuntu.com/questions/505919/how-to-install-anaconda-on-ubuntu", urldate = {2022-01-21}, keywords = {conda}, } @online{condainstallhelp, title = "Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.", url = "https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/9367#issuecomment-558863143", urldate = {2022-01-21}, keywords = {conda}, } @online{vscode-yaml-demo, title = "How to create your own auto-completion for JSON and YAML files on VS Code with the help of JSON Schema", url = "https://dev.to/brpaz/how-to-create-your-own-auto-completion-for-json-and-yaml-files-on-vs-code-with-the-help-of-json-schema-k1i", urldate = {2022-01-01}, keywords = {vscode}, } @online{vscode-yaml-extentions, title = "VSCode YAML extension", url = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName = redhat.vscode-yaml", urldate = {2022-01-01}, keywords = {vscode}, } @online{miktex-guide, title = "How to use latexindent on Windows?", url = "https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/577250/how-to-use-latexindent-on-windows", urldate = {2022-01-08}, keywords = {other}, } @online{pre-commithome, title = "pre-commit: A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.", url = "https://pre-commit.com/", urldate = {2022-01-08}, keywords = {other}, } @online{cmhughesio, title = "latexindent.pl ghcr (GitHub Container Repository) location", url = "https://github.com/cmhughes?tab=packages", urldate = {2022-06-12}, keywords = {other}, }