This is what I have been able to assemble of what was apparently a full distribution of s2latex, a converter for turning Scribe text into LaTeX-compatible files. I have been unable to test the converter (we don't have Scribe here), and the files that I received were evidently incomplete. The original author (Van Jacobson) is unreachable by E-mail. The most glaring lacuna was the fact that the file s2l.y did not end in a newline. Its last line looked like this: #include "lex.yy.c I have appended a double quote and a newline to this file; that way, the thing at least compiles and links. Nonetheless, one has to suspect that other stuff might be missing as well, and since I can't test the executable, I can give no guarantee. When you do a make, you will get a yacc message about 81 shift/reduce and 48 reduce/reduce conflicts. According to the comments in the file s2l.y, this can be ignored. If you get the s2latex program to work, please let me know; also tell me whether you're satisfied with it. In particular, if you make changes to the sources to get it to work, please pass them on to me, in case someone else should ask for the program. -- Mark James or