# Copyright (C) 1998 - Martin Strauss - under terms of GPL if $MenuModus { set ItemList {1 2 {Writing Schrift Penulisan "Tamanho de fontes"}} } else { label $NAME.l1 -text [lindex {"Size of W." Schriftgroesse "Ukuran Huruf" "Size of W."} $language] addpack $NAME.l1 buttonmake $NAME 1 tiny buttonmake $NAME 2 small buttonmake $NAME 3 large buttonmake $NAME 4 Large buttonmake $NAME 5 LARGE buttonmake $NAME 6 huge buttonmake $NAME 7 Huge buttonmake $NAME 8 scriptsize buttonmake $NAME 9 footnotesize buttonmake $NAME 10 normalsize label $NAME.l2 -text [lindex {"Type of W." Schrifttyp "Jenis Huruf" "Type of W."} $language] addpack $NAME.l2 buttonmake $NAME 11 bfseries buttonmake $NAME 12 mdseries buttonmake $NAME 13 itshape buttonmake $NAME 14 scshape buttonmake $NAME 15 slshape buttonmake $NAME 16 upshape buttonmake $NAME 17 rmfamily buttonmake $NAME 18 sffamily buttonmake $NAME 18a ttfamily label $NAME.l3 -text [lindex {Textstructure Textstruktur "Struktur Teks" Textstructure} $language] addpack $NAME.l3 buttonmake $NAME 19 quote buttonmake $NAME 20 quotation buttonmake $NAME 21 flushleft buttonmake $NAME 22 center buttonmake $NAME 23 flushright eval "pack $packstring -fill x" }