\documentclass[10pt]{miarticle} \begin{document} \n Lritaunas Peki Documentation Lritaunas Peki is a programm for learning languages. \+ Structure of the Code \+ Graphic user interfaces \+ Ideas Basically, you must think about it as a nested layers of metawidgets. So we can reuse the code. \n Python mega widgets This is a nice library of megawidgets, that supports scrollbars, multiple entries, dialogs... \+ My meta widgets. Trying to isolate GUI from tk and from Pmw(python megawidgets) I wrote a higher set of widgets. \+ Specialized metawidgets This widgets are those really used in the GUI, they're composites of my meta widgets, and they make calls to the structures of the core code~\ref{lookupindictionaries} \-2 \n What you really see in your screen Blah, blah \-2 /minput{strucincode.tex} \n And yeah more blah Blah , and blah \end{document}