\title{Report of the 1992 \protect\ukt\ AGM} \author[R. A. Bailey]{R. A. Bailey \\ Hon. Secretary} \begin{article} \newcommand{\voting}[4]{\begin{quote}% \begin{tabular}{lr@{}l} For& #1 & \\ Against & #2 & \\ Abstentions & #3 & #4 \end{tabular}\end{quote} } %\newcommand{\bask}{\marginpar{editor: alter if necessary}} \newcommand{\bask}{\relax} \def\ithead#1{{\bf #1 \ }\ignorespaces} \subsubsection*{Official report of the AGM of the UK \TeX\ Users Group\\held at Aston University (Room 708, Main Building)\\ on Wednesday 14~October 1992 at 1100 hours } In the absence through illness of the \ukt\ chair, P.~Abbott, the meeting was chaired by P.~Taylor. The group sent its condolences to P.~Abbott. There were, at least, twenty-five members present. The following is a brief summary of the business transacted; it is categorized by, roughly, the numbered agenda items. \begin{enumerate} \item \ithead{Chairman's Report} This was read by P.~Taylor. \item \ithead{Report of the 1991 AGM} This report had already been published in {\em Baskerville}, Volume~2, Number~1. Copies were also presented at the meeting. The report was received as correct, and signed by P.~Taylor. \item \ithead{Matters Arising} There were no matters arising. \item \ithead{Approval of Accounts} The Treasurer's report was given orally. Copies of the unaudited accounts for 1991--92 were presented. When audited, the accounts will appear in {\em Baskerville}. \bask It was reported that \ukt\ had increased its balance by about \pounds 1000 during the year, partly because of an increase in membership to about 170, partly because two of the meetings showed a small profit. \item \ithead{Appointment of Auditor(s)} Colin Smith was reappointed auditor for 1993, and thanked for his work to date. \item \ithead{Election of Committee} Of the previous committee of twelve, one continues as Chair and two had been co-opted. Six members retired, only one of whom was willing and eligible to stand for re-election. There were three further nominations: thus there was no need for an election and the total size of the committee became seven (excluding the Chair). Subsequently, at its next meeting, the committee invited P.~Taylor to continue as Acting Chair until P.~Abbott recovered his health. The committee once again co-opted S.~F.~Brooks (as {\em Baskerville \/} editor) and J.~Petts; and also co-opted I.~McNeil-Sinclair and D.~V.~J.~Murphy. It appointed the following honorary officers: \[ \begin{tabular}{ll} R.~A.~Bailey & Committee Secretary\\ I.~McNeil-Sinclair& Membership Enquiries\\ I.~W.~Hall & Treasurer\\ D.~V.~J.~Murphy & Meetings Secretary\\ D.~W.~Penfold & Membership Secretary \end{tabular} \] % \marginpar{editor: This is true, even though IM-S resigned after a month} The remaining committee membership consists of D.~Eckersley, R.~Fairbairns, S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz and G.~Toal. \item \ithead{Membership Fees} The Treasurer proposed the following motion, on behalf of the committee: \begin{quote} \it The Committee proposes maintaining membership fees at their 1992 levels, that is, \pounds 15.00 for full membership or \pounds 7.50 for student membership. \end{quote} G.~Toal proposed an amendment: that the word {\em full-time\/} be inserted before the word {\em student}. After some discussion, I.~W.~Hall seconded this amendment, on which the voting was \voting{17}{2}{3}{.} The voting on the amended proposal was \voting{20}{0}{2}{.} \item \ithead{Meetings Fees} The Treasurer proposed the following motion, on behalf of the committee: \begin{quote} \it The Committee proposes an increase in fees for attending ordinary meetings: \begin{verse} from \pounds15 to \pounds 20 for members\\ from \pounds20 to \pounds 30 for non-members\\ \end{verse} and for attending workshops: \begin{verse} from \pounds25 to \pounds 30 for members\\ from \pounds30 to \pounds 40 for non-members.\\ \end{verse} \end{quote} He explained that one motivation for the change was to make membership more attractive, by enabling members to recoup their membership fees by attending only two meetings. After some discussion of the benefits of allowing the committee flexibility in setting fees (for example, to give a discount for booking in advance, or to put on a popular loss-leading meeting), J.~Fine proposed an amendment: that the word {\em customary\/} be inserted before the word {\em fees}. I.~McNeil-Sinclair seconded the amendment, and the voting was \voting{15}{3}{5}{.} The Treasurer then moved the amended motion, seconded by S.~F.~Brooks: the voting was \voting{21}{1}{2}{.} \item \ithead{Cathy Booth Memorial Fund} On behalf of the committee, C.~Hewlett proposed the following motion: \begin{quotation} \it The UK \TeX\ Users' Group will establish a fund to be called the Cathy Booth Memorial Fund. The Fund will be used to support education and research in electronic publishing in general and in the use and development of \TeX\ and its relatives in particular, and for other charitable purposes connected with education. \end{quotation} The motion was seconded by C.~A.~Rowley and passed unanimously. \item \ithead{Donations} P.~Taylor reported two donations made by the committee during the year: \pounds 500 to the \LaTeX3 project; and computing equipment to D.~Osborne to enable him to maintain the UK\TeX\ Digest and \TeX hax from home. Both recipients expressed thanks at the meeting. \item \ithead{Newsletter Editor} One edition of the Group's newsletter, {\em Baskerville}, had appeared in 1992 under the editorship of P.~Taylor. S.~Brooks had then taken over the editorship, and will soon produce another edition. In the immediate future, these two people are willing to continue to share the editorship. Contributions from the membership are always gratefully received. \item \ithead{Other Business} There was constructive discussion of several issues, which the committee agreed to look at further. \begin{itemize} \item Should the \ukt\ organize professional training of \TeX, and, if so, how? \item Could members elect to receive notices from \ukt\ primarily by electronic mail or primarily by ordinary mail, at choice? \item The committee would examine the feasibility of creating, maintaining and circulating a \ukt\ membership list. The list would not be for sale or gift to any non-member. On membership renewal forms members would be invited to give such details as they were willing to have published (e.g.\ telephone number, fax number, electronic mail address, address, \TeX\ platform), and would be given the opportunity to opt out of the list completely. \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} The meeting concluded by expressing its thanks to M.~Campbell and the local catering and technical staff, for making the meeting possible. \end{article}