\title{\LaTeX2e -- A New Version of \LaTeX} \author{Leslie Lamport and the \LaTeX3 project team} \begin{article} An important announcement was made on July 27th at the Annual meeting of the \TeX\ User's Group (TUG) at Aston University, Birmingham, UK; there will be a new, standardised version of \LaTeX\ (working name: \LaTeX2e) to be released before the end of 1993. \section*{Reasons For \LaTeX2e} There are two primary reasons for introducing a new version of \LaTeX: \begin{itemize} \item Standardisation: a single format incorporating NFSS2, to replace present multiplicity of incompatible formats (NFSS, lfonts, pslfonts, etc.) \item Maintenance: a standardised system is essential to a reliable maintenance policy. \end{itemize} Note that \LaTeX2e is only a ``working name''---thus this may change. \section*{Guiding Principles} The following two guiding principles are to be followed: \begin{enumerate} \item Unmodified version 2.09 input files will produce the same output with \LaTeX2e as with version 2.09. \item All new features of \LaTeX2e will conform to the conventions of version 2.09, making it as easy as possible for current users to learn to use them. \end{enumerate} \section*{Preamble Commands} In order to distinguish old (2.09) documents from those using facilities from the new version, \LaTeX2e documents will use a different command on the first line: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[options]{class} \end{verbatim} The \verb|documentclass| command specifies what kind of document this is---for example, article, book, letter, slide. There is a second command: \begin{verbatim} \includepackage[options]{package} \end{verbatim} Including a package adds new commands and/or redefines existing commands to provide additional functionality. The \LaTeX2.09 compatibility mode is invoked by \begin{verbatim} \documentstyle[options]{style} \end{verbatim} \section*{Documentation} The new version will be described in a new edition of {\em \LaTeX: A document preparation system} by Leslie Lamport and in {\em The \LaTeX\ Companion} by Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin (both to be published by Addison-Wesley). The {\em Companion} will also contain a complete description of NFSS2. \section*{Distribution Policy} Maintenance of the new system will be undertaken by the \LaTeX3\ project team. A complete distribution of all files, incorporating corrections of errors, will be made available twice a year on fixed dates. This will happen even if there were no changes to the files, and hence only the release dates have to be updated. We are currently looking into the possibility of additionally distributing `diff' files. \section*{Error Reports} Error reports can be made using a report generating program {\tt latexbug.tex}. This will be part of the main distribution. Error reports will be accepted only if the version of \LaTeX2e that produces the error is not older than one year. Error reports can be sent to the following mail address: \begin{verbatim} latex-bugs@rus.uni-stuttgart.de \end{verbatim} or a postal address that is to be announced. \end{article} \endinput