\newpage \def\BB{$\bullet$\ } \def\yn{}%???? \bgroup \large\parindent0em\parskip3pt \begin{center}\Large\bf The UK \TeX\ Users' Group {\huge Choosing and Using PostScript Fonts with \TeX}\bigskip Rewley House, Wellington Square, Oxford\bigskip Wednesday 19th January 1994, 10.30 to 17.00 \end{center} \section*{Meeting Outline} This meeting is designed to be of practical help to the ever-increasing number of \TeX\ users who have access to PostScript printers and phototypesetters. Questions abound: \BB How do you get \TeX\ metric files for the fonts in your printer? \BB When you buy fonts, what are all those {\tt .pfb}, {\tt .pfm} and {\tt .afm} files? \BB How does the {\tt dvi} driver distinguish between \MF\ fonts and PostScript fonts?\BB How do you change your whole document so that it is typeset in Univers? How do you use a PostScript phototypesetter? \BB What font families go together? \BB Which text fonts work with which maths fonts? There {\em are} answers, and you can get them at this meeting. The speakers will include the following: \begin{description} \item[Alan Jeffrey] will discuss the building blocks for successful use of PostScript fonts --- the conversion of Adobe Font Metric files, encoding schemes, communicating with the {\tt dvi} driver etc; \item[Sebastian Rahtz] will deal with the \LaTeX\ way of setting up and selecting new fonts; this will primarily be concerned with the tools provided in the new \LaTeXe\ (an enhanced version of the New Font Selection Scheme 2); \item[Will Shaman] will describe how to choose an appropriate PostScript typeface for a particular job, and the principles to be followed in mixing fonts from different families. \end{description} There will be an opportunity to put questions to each of the speakers, and also a panel session to consider wider issues, including the choice and use of mathematical fonts. Questions for the panel will be solicited widely, including via {\tt uktex}. A digest of these questions and answers will be published in \BV, the organ of the group. \section*{Meeting Details} The meeting will be held in the Department for Continuing Education, Rewley~House, Wellington Square, Oxford. Wellington Square is about 5 minutes walk from the bus station and some 10--15 minutes walk from the railway station: the best route is via Beaumont~Street. Those driving to Oxford are advised to use the park-and-ride service, as there is {\it no} parking in central Oxford. The meeting will begin at 11.00, with registration and coffee from 10.30 onwards; there will be breaks for lunch and tea, and it is expected to finish at around 17.00. There will be a charge for the meeting of \pounds 20 for members of the \ukt, and \pounds 30 for non-members. A booking form is included. Please indicate any special dietary requirements when booking a place. % \section*{Further Information} Queries concerning the meeting may be addressed to the program organizer: $$\vbox{\halign{#\hfil&\hskip50pt#\hfil&\quad#\hfil\cr Alan Jeffrey \cr School of Cognitive \& Computing Science \cr Sussex University \cr Brighton &Janet:&{\tt alanj@uk.ac.susx.cogs}\cr BN1 9QH &Tel:&0273 606755 ext.~3238 \cr }}$$ \egroup \newpage \bgroup \large \begin{center}\LARGE\bf The \UKTUG\bigskip {\Huge Choosing and Using PostScript Fonts}\\ Oxford, 19th January 1994\bigskip {\Huge Booking Form\bigskip} \end{center} % \section*{Booking Arrangements} For members of the \ukt , there is be a charge of \pounds 20, which includes coffee, lunch and tea. For non-members, the charge is \pounds 30. \section*{Booking Details} I wish to attend the \ukt\ meeting on 19th January 1994: $$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut#\hrulefill\enspace \tabskip=1em plus 2em&#\hrulefill\tabskip=0pt\cr \multispan{2}\strut Name: \hrulefill \cr \multispan{2}\strut Organisation: \hrulefill \cr \multispan{2}\strut Address: \hrulefill \cr \multispan{2}\strut \hrulefill \cr \multispan{2}\strut \hrulefill \cr Telephone: \hbox to .35\hsize{\hrulefill}& Email: \hbox to .35\hsize{\hrulefill}\cr \multispan2\strut Please specify any special dietary requirements: \hrulefill \cr}}$$ $$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut\hskip2in#\enspace\hfil \tabskip=1em plus 2em&#\hfil\tabskip=0pt\cr % Car parking space required: &\hfil \yn \cr % \noalign{\smallskip} Payment enclosed$^{\mathrm{1}}$ &\hfil \yn \cr \noalign{\smallskip} \llap{or~}purchase order number$^{\mathrm{2}}$ & \hbox to 1.5in{\hrulefill}\cr \noalign{\vskip20pt} \hfill Signed: & \hbox to 1.5in{\hrulefill}\cr \hfill Date: & \hbox to 1.5in{\hrulefill}\cr }}$$ \smallskip\parindent.6in \subsection*{Notes:} \begin{enumerate} \item Payment for the meeting will be \pounds 20 for members of the \ukt, and \pounds 30 for non-members. Cheques should be made payable to `\payuk'. \item A Purchase Order, with an order number, is an acceptable alternative method of payment, but will attract a \pounds5 surcharge on the amount due. \end{enumerate} \section*{Payment Address} Please send this completed booking form together with your payment, to: $$\vbox{\halign{#\hfil&&\quad#\hfil\cr Ian Hall \cr Science, Medical and Journals Division\cr OUP \cr Walton Street \cr Oxford &Tel:&0865 56767 x 3693\cr OX2 6DP &Fax:&0865 56646\cr &Janet:&{\tt iwhall@vax.ox.ac.uk} \cr }}$$ \egroup %