\newcommand{\tug}{TUG} \newcommand{\shortuk}{UK TUG} \renewcommand{\thempfootnote}{\arabic{mpfootnote}} %the above fixes a latex bug: \footnotemark isn't redefined within minipages \begin{center}\Large\bf The \UKTUG\vspace{2ex} {\huge 1994 Membership and Renewal}\vspace{2ex} for both \tug\ and the \UKTUG \end{center} \bgroup \Large \section*{\tug\ Membership} Members of \tug\ should note that {\em all\/} U.K. membership renewals are being sent out via the \UKTUG, and that all 1994 membership fees should be paid in sterling to \payuk, {\em whether or not you are a member of the \UKTUG}. The 1994 \tug\ fees are: \[ \begin{tabular}{l@{\quad\pounds}r} Full \tug\ membership in sterling & 45.00\\ \tug\ student membership fee in sterling & 22.50 \end{tabular} \] \section*{\UKTUG\ Membership} Membership runs from 1~January until 31~December each year, and allows a reduction in admission charge at each meeting and at every other \UKTUG\ event. Members receive the {\it Baskerville\/} publication, including advance notice of all forthcoming attractions organized by the \UKTUG. In addition, members elect the chairman and committee members at the annual general meeting. For 1994 the annual fee for full membership of the \UKTUG\ is \pounds 18.00. Membership extends from the date of receipt of payment (if after 1~October 1993) until 31~December 1994. Full-time students need pay only 50\% of the membership fee, but must produce evidence of their current student status when either joining the Group or renewing membership. In summary, the 1994 \UKTUG\ fees are: \[ \begin{tabular}{l@{\quad\pounds}r} Full \UKTUG\ membership fee & 18.00\\ Student \UKTUG\ membership fee & 9.00 \end{tabular} \] \section*{Combined Membership of the \shortuk\ and \tug} TUG and the \UKTUG\ are pleased to announce the continuation of a discount to members who pay their 1994 subscription to both the \UKTUG\ and \tug\ in one payment. The combined fees for 1994 are: \[ \begin{tabular}{l@{\quad\pounds}r} Full membership of \tug\ and \shortuk & 57.00\\ Student membership of \tug\ and \shortuk & 28.50 \end{tabular} \] \section*{Payment Instructions} Please fill in your personal details in the spaces provided, tick the relevant box or boxes, and send the completed form, together with your cheque or purchase order number, to the Membership Secretary, Peter Abbott, at the address below: \begin{verse} Peter Abbott\\ c/o 1 Eymore Close\\ Selly Oak\\ Birmingham B29 4LB, U.K. \end{verse} \egroup \newpage \bgroup\parskip 4pt \parindent0em % form for returning \begin{center}\Large\bf The \UKTUG\vspace{2ex} {\huge Membership and Renewal Form}%\vspace{1.3ex} \end{center} \section*{Membership Details} \noindent \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \FullLine{Name: } \FullLine{Organisation: } \FullLine{Address: } \FullLine{\phantom{Address: }} \FullLine{\phantom{Address: }} \FullLine{\phantom{Address: }} \HalfLine{Telephone: }\hspace{2em}Email: \hrulefill\Newline \end{minipage}%\vspace{\baselineskip} In accordance with the Data Protection Act, you are informed that this information will be held electronically. \section*{Payment details} \noindent \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \[ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} \begin{tabular}{|c|l|c|c|} \hline Please & & Payment & Purchase\\[-\jot] tick & & by cheque & order\footnotemark[1]\\ \hline & \shortuk\ and \tug\ full membership & \pounds 57.00 &\pounds 62.00\\ \hline & \shortuk\ and \tug\ student membership\footnotemark[2] & \pounds 28.50 & \pounds 33.50\\ \hline & \shortuk\ only, full membership & \pounds 18.00 & \pounds 23.00\\ \hline & \shortuk\ only, student membership\footnotemark[2] & \pounds\phantom{0}9.00 & \pounds14.00\\ \hline & \tug\ only, full membership & \pounds45.00 & \pounds 50.00\\ \hline & \tug\ only, student membership\footnotemark[2] & \pounds22.50 & \pounds 27.50\\ \hline \hline & Donation to \LaTeX3 Project & & \\[2\jot] % & & & \\ \hline \cline{2-4} \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & Total & & \\[2\jot] % & & & \\ \cline{2-4} \end{tabular} \] %\end{minipage}\vspace{\baselineskip} {\footnotesize ${}^1$A Purchase Order, with an order number, is an acceptable alternative method of payment, but attracts a \pounds 5 surcharge\\ ${}^2$Proof of full-time status must accompany this application form}\Newline %\noindent %\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} %\footnote[3]{Delete one} *I enclose a cheque for \pounds \makebox[3em]{\hrulefill} made payable to the {\it \UKTUG}.\Newline %\footnotemark[3] *I enclose Purchase Order number \makebox[6em]{\hrulefill}. \\ {\footnotesize *Delete one}\Newline \HalfLine{Signed: }\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill \end{minipage}%\vspace{\baselineskip} \subsection*{Payment address} Please return the completed subscription form, together with your payment, to: % Peter Abbott, c/o 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 4LB, U.K. \egroup