\documentclass{baskrep} \usepackage{here} \usepackage{pifont} \newdimen\foobar \def\strikethrough#1{\settowidth{\foobar}{#1}\rlap{#1}\raisebox{1.5pt}{\rule{\foobar}{0.8pt}}} \BASKvol{4} \BASKno{1} \def\editor{Sebastian Rahtz\\ArchaeoInformatica, York} \extrarowheight2pt \begin{document} \fontencoding{T1}\selectfont \def\fontinst{\texttt{fontinst}} \setlength{\multicolsep}{6pt} \vspace*{-1cm} \begin{multicols}{2}[\makeBSKtitle] \tableofcontents \title{Editorial} \begin{article} \section{\BV\ articles needed} We need material for \BV! Please send your interesting articles to the editor, and delight fellow \TeX\ users. \emph{Please note the following schedule of copy deadlines}: \def\Thead#1{\makebox[1.7cm][c]{\rotatebox{45}{{\raggedright \parbox{2.4cm}{#1}}}}} \begin{quote} \begin{tabular}{llll} \em \rotatebox{45}{Issue}& \em \Thead{Submit material for publication}& \em \Thead{Submit last-minute notices}& \em \Thead{PostScript file sent to production team}\\ 4.2&Mar 21&Mar 28&Apr 4\\ 4.3&May 23&May 30&Jun 6\\ 4.4&Aug 15&Aug 22&Aug 29\\ 4.5&Oct 17&Oct 24&Oct 31\\ \end{tabular} \end{quote} Each issue of \BV\ will have a special theme, although articles on any \TeX-related subject are always welcome. Contributions on the themes for the first half of 1994 are eagerly solicited: \begin{Pilist}{pzd}{43} \item \BV\ 4.2 will be a special issue on \LaTeX2e (which may be fully released by then); \item \BV\ 4.3 will be a `back to basics' special issue on mathematical and tabular typesetting. \end{Pilist} \BV\ regularly publishes articles answering common \TeX\ questions, and these are available as technical notes to \ukt\ members. \subsection{\LaTeXe} Shortly after \BV\ 3.1 was sent out, the first release of \LaTeXe\ appeared in the electronic networks, followed after Christmas by the launch of the \emph{\LaTeX\ Companion} to tell us how to use it all. 1994 is going to be a good year! Those with access to the Internet can fetch the \LaTeXe\ code from \texttt{ftp.tex.ac.uk}, \texttt{/tex-archive/macros/latex2e/core}. First get the file called `features.tex' and discover what it is all about. \ukt\ members without network access can send an SAE to the \BV\ editor or the \ukt\ treasurer to receive a copy of the macros on Mac or PC disk (do \emph{not} send us disks, please!). And there is the conference! Not just the package; not just a book; but \emph{two whole days} of information about \LaTeXe, given by the people who wrote it! Grab the application form with this \BV\ and fill it in now. We want to see as many \ukt\ members there as possible. \subsection{TUG'94} Earthquakes and all, who can resist the chance to visit Southern California, and do \TeX\ at the same time? From Point Lobos to Hollywood, from Knuth to Clint, from colour to \verb|\csname|: all the world will be at the {\bf 1994 \TeX\ Users Group Meeting}, to be held in Santa Barbara from the 31st July to the 4th August. The theme this year is just `Innovation' --- find out whats new! Not just papers, but tutorials, debates, bowling matches \ldots Leslie Lamport, Tom Rokicki, and Joachim Schrod are keynote speakers at the conference, and you too can still submit a paper by contacting the TUG office, or via the \BV\ editor. But paper or not, plan to be there. The \BV\ editor will buy a beer for anyone who comes with a copy of this issue \ldots \subsection{Colophon} This issue of \BV\ deals especially with issues of PostScript, to go with the group's January meeting on the subject of using PostScript fonts. In the next issue we will include a transcription of the question and answer session, and the full gory details of telling \LaTeXe\ about a new PostScript font. This issue of the journal was created entirely with the test distribution of \LaTeXe\ and printed on a Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4. It was set in ITC New Baskerville Roman, with Computer Modern Typewriter for literal text. Production and distribution was undertaken in Cambridge by Robin Fairbairns and Jonathan Fine. \end{article} \end{multicols} \input duggan \input jeffrey \input horn \input yannis \input goossens \input fine \input bailey \input clark \input letters \begin{multicols}{2} \input facts \input treas \end{multicols} \end{document}