\begin{Large} \newcommand{\leline}{{\small\lrule\hbox to \hsize{\xleaders \hbox{\LaTeXe}% \hskip 0pt plus 1filll }\vskip-3pt \lrule}% } \newcommand{\lrule}{\hbox to \hsize{\leaders \vrule height 2pt \hskip 0pt plus 1filll}} \newcommand{\hftext}% {Please copy, circulate widely and display on noticeboards, etc} \hbox{} \nobreak \vskip-0.5cm \vbox{ \leftline{\hskip -1.5cm \small \sffamily \hftext} \vskip 0.3cm \leline \vskip 0.2cm {\Huge \LaTeXe{}{: \bfseries\sffamily the conference} } %\vspace {-0.2cm} \begin{minipage}[b]{0.7\textwidth} {\Large Speakers will include---}\\ \mbox{\hskip 1em}\em Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, Alan Jeffrey\\ \mbox{\hskip 1em}Frank Mittelbach, Chris Rowley \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}[b]{0.25\textwidth} \begin{flushright}\Large{\sffamily Announcing the {\bfseries New\\ Standard} version\\ of} \LaTeX{} \end{flushright} \end{minipage} %\vskip0.2cm \leline \vskip0.2cm {\large \leftline{You've read the hype, you've ordered the book---} \centerline{\hskip-14pt --- haven't you? ---} \rightline{---now here's the chance to discover the real thing!}% } \vskip 0.2cm \Large \leftline{\bfseries For authors, publishers, support persons, \ldots, everyone---} \rightline{---discover what \LaTeXe{} can do for you in only two days} \vskip 0.3cm \centerline{All the New Features of \LaTeXe} \centerline{\bfseries---The New Standard Version of \LaTeX{}---} \vskip 0.1cm \centerline{\bfseries---Incorporating \SliTeX{} and \AMSLaTeX{}---} \begin{itemize} \item how to install it \item how to integrate your local styles \item how to use scalable fonts \item how to integrate graphics \item how to process existing documents \item how to use the new features \item how to write extension packages \end{itemize} \begin{description} \item[Who: ] Presentations by members of the \LaTeX3 project team \item[Where: ] Warwick University---in the heart of England \item[When: ] 21--22 March, 1994---not too long to wait \ldots\\ \hbox to \linewidth{\hss---but book early as accommodation is limited} \item[Price: ] \pounds 89 all-in, with one night's accommodation, for UK \TeX{} Users Group members \item[Info: ] Further information and booking forms are available from \vskip -0.2cm \begin{quote}\large \begin{tabular}[t]{l} Malcolm Clark\\ Computing Services\\ University of Warwick\\ Coventry CV4 7AL, \rlap{ United Kingdom} \end{tabular} \hfill \begin{tabular}[t]{l} E-mail: {\tt m.clark@warwick.ac.uk}\\ Tel: 0203 523365 or 523254\\ Fax: 0203 523267 \end{tabular} \end{quote} \end{description} \vfill \leline %\vskip 0.2cm \rightline{\small \sffamily \hftext \hskip -1.8cm} } \newpage \newcommand{\ruled}[1]{\makebox[\textwidth]{#1\leaders\hrule\hfill}} \newcommand{\partruled}[2] {\makebox[\textwidth]{#1\leaders\hrule\hfill \qquad #2\leaders\hrule\hfill}} \newcommand{\daytitle}{\bfseries\LaTeXe: the conference} \newcommand{\where}{Warwick University} \newcommand{\when}{March 21st--22nd, 1994} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} \begin{flushleft} \bfseries Return by March 1st, 1994 \end{flushleft} \begin{center} \LARGE\bfseries \ukt \huge\bfseries\daytitle \LARGE\bfseries\where, \when \huge\bfseries Booking Form \end{center} %\vspace{1cm} I wish to attend the \ukt\ meeting on \when: {\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.5}\Huge\normalsize \noindent\ruled{Name: } \ruled{Organisation: } \ruled{Address: } \ruled{} \ruled{} \partruled{Telephone: }{Email: } \ruled{Please specify any special dietary requirements: } \ruled{Specify any changes to standard 1-night accommodation$^{\ref{extra-night}}$: } \ruled{Indicate whether you require a copy of the \LaTeX\ Companion?$^{\ref{companion}}$: } %originally this read `do you require a companion', but this %seemed open to misinterpretation \begin{flushright} \begin{tabular*}{0.75\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}llp{0.25\textwidth}} &Payment enclosed$^{\ref{payment},\ref{cheques},\ref{no-vat}}$ &\\ or&purchase order number$^{\ref{purchase-order}}$ &\\ \cline{3-3} &\multicolumn{1}{r}{Signed:}&\\ \cline{3-3} &\multicolumn{1}{r}{Date:} &\\ \cline{3-3} \end{tabular*} \end{flushright} } \section{Notes} \begin{enumerate} \item Payment for the meeting, all meals (including a conference dinner), refreshments and accommodation for the night of Monday, March 21st, will be \pounds89 for members of \ukt{}, and \pounds120 for non-members.\label{payment} \item Additional night's accommodation (bed and breakfast) can %can the pedants confirm whether this should be night's or nights' be included at a cost of \pounds20 per night. Indicate which additional nights you require (if any). If you do {\bfseries not} require accommodation for the night of Monday, March 21st, {\em deduct} \pounds20 {\bfseries and} note this.\label{extra-night} \item `The \LaTeX\ Companion', by Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin, has recently been published by Addison Wesley. It is the main source of documentation about \LaTeXe. We hope to have this book available to delegates at a discount from its normal price of \pounds26.95. Please indicate whether you wish to take advantage of this offer, which is available only to those attending the meeting.\label{companion} \item Cheques should be made payable to `Warwick University'.\label{cheques} \item A Purchase Order, with an order number, is an acceptable alternative method of payment, but will attract a \pounds15 surcharge on the amount due.\label{purchase-order} \item If your cost is outside the range \pounds69--175, recalculate. \item Return the completed form to arrive by Tuesday March 1st, 1994. We cannot guarantee enrollment after that date. If you are unable to return the form by then, but are definitely coming, contact the local organiser by email, telephone, fax or mail to secure a place. For contact details, see over. \item If your requirements are not met by the options offered, contact the local organizer. \item Note that VAT is not chargeable.\label{no-vat} \end{enumerate} \newpage \parindent20pt \section{Meeting duration} The meeting registration will commence at 1000 on Monday 21st; coffee will be available from 1030; the sessions will start at 1115. The sessions will end at 1700 on Tuesday 22nd. \section{Travel to Warwick University} There is an Inter-City rail service to Coventry, but from some locations it may be easier to travel to Birmingham initially. \vspace{\medskipamount} \begin{minipage}[b]{0.5\textwidth} \begin{flushright} \begin{tabular}{lcc} \hline Journey & depart & arrive \\ \hline Euston to Coventry & 0810&0920 \\ & 0840&0950 \\ & 0910&1025 \\ \hline Manchester to Coventry & 0718&0929 \\ & 0818&1027 \\ \hline \hline Bristol (TM) to B'ham & 0714&0854 \\ & 0830&0954 \\ \hline Newcastle to B'ham & 0640&0951 \\ \hline York to B'ham & 0742&0951 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{flushright} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[b]{0.36\textwidth} \noindent\small Trains from Birmingham to Coventry are frequent and fast (journey time of 20--30 minutes, departing every 10 or 15 minutes). \end{minipage} \vspace{\medskipamount} There will be a shuttle bus service for delegates arriving at Coventry between 1000 and 1030. The shuttle bus will also be available on the 22nd to take delegates back to the station. A taxi from the station to the University costs about \pounds4. Alternatively, buses (notably the X10, X12, 12 and 12A) run from just outside the station to the University, taking about 15 minutes. It is a de-regulated service and as such impossible to guess the fare from day to day. It is usually about 50p. The 12 and 12A services are `correct fare only', but no-one (except the driver) knows what the correct fare is. The University is easily accessible by car, and may be reached from the M1, M40, M42, M45, M6 and M69. There is ample parking for private vehicles on campus. Birmingham airport is about 12 minutes from Coventry by rail and is connected by a frequent and fast service. \section{Payment Address} Please return the completed booking form, together with your payment, to arrive {\bfseries before} Tuesday March 1st, 1994, to: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll@{ }l} Malcolm Clark (lxii)&&\\ Computing Services&Tel:& 0203 523365\\ University of Warwick&Fax:& 0203 523267\\ Coventry CV4 7AL&Email:&\tt m.clark@uk.ac.warwick \rmfamily (Janet)\\ UK& &\tt m.clark@warwick.ac.uk \rmfamily (Internet) \end{tabular} \end{center} \vspace{72pt} \begin{flushright} \Huge\bfseries Enrol by March 1st, 1994 \end{flushright} \end{Large} \endinput An approximate timetable is as follows: \begin{minipage}[t]{0.4\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{ccl} \bfseries 21st\\ 1115&1315&session 1\\ 1315&1415&lunch\\ 1415&1535&session 2a\\ 1535&1600&tea\\ 1600&1640&session 2b\\ 1640&1800&question time\\ 1930&&dinner \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.4\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{ccl} \bfseries 22nd\\ 0900&1030&session 3a\\ 1030&1100&coffee\\ 1100&1230&session 3b\\ 1230&1330&lunch\\ 1330&1515&session 4\\ 1515&1545&tea\\ 1545&1700&question time \end{tabular} \end{minipage}