\title{A \protect\MF\ of `Simpsons' characters} \author[Raymond Chen]{Raymond Chen \\\texttt{rjc@math.princeton.edu}} \begin{Article} \begin{quote}\em [Editor's note: I found this issue's `stocking filler' on the NTG CD-ROM; correspondences between Simpsons characters and well-known \TeX xies do tend to come to mind. ] \end{quote} \noindent The author can type +\Lisa+, +\Homer+, +\Bart+, or +\Marge+ to produce the corresponding character. The default is to draw the character facing to the right and looking directly at you. To modify this, you can prefix the macro +\Left+ to get the character face left instead of right, \eg +\Left\Lisa+. You can also prefix the macro +\Goofy+ and suffix two pairs of coordinates, which modify how the pupils are drawn. E.g., +\Goofy\Lisa(7,5)(5,5).+ The first pair of coordinates is applied to the right pupil (which is the one on the left when printed) and the second pair to the left pupil. The units are relative to the size of the character. (So if you say +\font\simpsons=simpsons scaled 1200+ you don't have to modify all the coordinates in the +\Goofy+'s.) If you uses both prefixes, as in +\Goofy\Left+, then the mirror-image-reversal takes place \emph{after} the goofiness is applied. This is so that you can just say +\Goofy\Left\Lisa(7,5)(5,5)+ to get a mirror image of +\Goofy\Lisa(7,5)(5,5)+. Some sample Simpsons: \begin{description} \item[\Goofy\Homer(6,4)(4,4)] D'oh! \item[\Goofy\Lisa(7,5)(5,5)] This is Lisa Simpson. She's smart, she's sweet, she's sensitive\dots but don't hold that against her. \item[\Bart] I'm Bart Simpson. Who the hell are you? \item[\Left\Marge] Mmmm\dots \item[\Left\Maggie] Suck. Suck. \end{description} The characters were obtained from: \begin{description} \item[Lisa] Simpsons Illustrated, Summer 91, cover \item[Homer] Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, cover \item[Bart] Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, article on Dan Castellaneta \item[Marge] Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, article on Dan Castellaneta \item[Burns] Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, article on Dan Castellaneta \item[Maggie] Simpsons 1992 calendar, ``Phone pranks'' \item[SNPP] Simpsons Illustrated, Fall 91, Homer's job file \end{description} They were traced and transferred to graph paper, then magnified fourfold. \end{Article}