\title{UK \TeX\ Consultants} \author{} \begin{Article} \begin{quote} [Editor's note: in the last issue we asked people who were interested in doing \TeX\ consultancy work to come forward and identify themselves. We only had a couple of responses, so their manifestos are given in full. Let's expand this list, and \BV\ will keep publishing it. ] \end{quote} \paragraph{Jonathan Fine} has trained and worked as a research mathematician. He is part way through a large \TeX{} macro project, to create tools and methods that will allow \TeX{} to go beyond what are commonly perceived to be its limits. These new products are intended to provide an improved macro development environment, with support for modules, identifier declarations, incremental development, and a run-time debugger; and also support for more general input syntax, such as SGML and program source files, as well as more graceful recovery from errors in mark-up, and fresh typographic possibilities. Until these products are available for release, he would like to support himself with more traditional \TeX{} consulting work. He will write macros and style files, provide instruction, create and revise compuscripts, provide support, and so forth. \begin{quote} Jonathan Fine, \\203 Coldhams Lane, \\Cambridge, CB1 3HY.\\ Tel: (01223) 215389 Email: \texttt{J.Fine@pmms.cam.ac.uk} \end{quote} \paragraph{David Evans} has experience in the following areas, and is particularly interested in any consultancy involving \LaTeX\ styles, or \TeX\ installation: \begin{itemize} \item \TeX\ macros \item \TeX\ (e.g. EmTeX/Y\&Y's \TeX) installation \item Font installation and setup with \TeX/\LaTeX \item Configuration of dvips etc \item Macros for automating Acrobat output \end{itemize} \begin{quote} Dr David Evans, Partner\\ Merlin Open Systems\\ 4 Oxbow Close\\ The Meadows\\ Nottingham NG2 2NN\\ Tel. (01602) 860048 (answerphone), (01602) 514230 (day)\\ E-mail: \texttt{dre@cs.nott.ac.uk} \end{quote} \end{Article}