\providecommand{\ie}{\emph{i.e.}} \providecommand{\ctan}{\textsc{Ctan}} \providecommand{\cd}{\textsc{CD-rom}} \providecommand{\unix}{\textsc{Unix}} \providecommand{\dos}{\textsc{Dos}} \providecommand{\ie}{\emph{i.e.{}}} \let\textss\textsf \title{Malcolm's Gleanings} \author[Malcolm Clark]{Malcolm Clark\\ Computing Services, University of Warwick\\ Coventry, CV4 7AL\\\texttt{m.clark@warwick.ac.uk}} \begin{Article} \section{True colours?} The boost given to the use of colour in \LaTeXe\ is not an unmixed blessing. There are pitfalls and problems lurking round these new corners. There is always a huge discrepancy between the colours we can produce on a monitor screen and the hard copy version that a printer will produce. It can be very frustrating to spend time and effort getting the colour balances `just right', and then finding that the hard copy looks nothing like the original. Especially when you have to pay for the hard copy. Why are there discrepancies? The mismatch is in the very nature of the processes involved -- it is not because something has gone wrong. Let's start at the beginning, and assume that we are concerned with the transition from colour on the screen to colour on the page. Perhaps the first thing we should realise is that no two people see colour in quite the same way. Intra-species perception is well-known to be different, but even between individuals (ignoring those with some physiological perceptual malfunction, like colour blindness), response to different colours is different -- \ie\ what different people call `blue' differs -- well, most people agree about blue, but how many agree about `mauve' or `puce'? Any perceived colour may be understood as the sum of three primary colours. This gives us a first clue, since it means that we can represent a colour as the sum of three stimuli (a tristimulus), and we can think in terms of characterising any colour by locating a unique point defined by three (orthogonal) axes. In fact no monitors can represent the full range (or \emph{gamut}) of colours. Their actual performance falls short. Even before we start, we cannot hope to represent all possibilities. The colours we view on a monitor are emitted colours -- they are generated by the three electron guns of the device (there are other technologies, but the principle remains much the same). The advantage here is that each model of monitor can be calibrated, and in fact the range of possible colours can be determined. From time to time the colours may drift, and it is possible that adjacent `identical' machines may appear to have different colour outputs. If you always work on the same machine, you can guard against this. Recalibrating every machine is rather time consuming. Another advantage of using the same machine every time is that the background and lighting is unlikely to change to much. By virtue of our evolution, our eyes are well adapted to slow changes in light level, and also to slow, but moderate changes in the major illuminant (as daylight varies through the day, for example). Changing the incident lighting does not change the emitted light on the monitor, but since the frame of the monitor and everything else in the room is changed by changing the illumination, you can end up thinking that it looks different. The illumination in many rooms is a bit arbitrary: it may be fluorescent tubes, which have a rather limited spectrum, or it may be normal incandescent lights, which have a different spectrum, and occasionally it is north light (also known as \emph{daylight}) illumination. This last is an interesting diversion. This is the lighting condition under which most, if not all, standardised colour determinations are performed. Anyone who is working seriously with colour will use north light (most artist's studios, for example, will be oriented to be lit naturally in this way). In fact, this is one of the reasons why the hard copy will appear incorrect: the lighting conditions are likely to have changed. And anyway, the hard copy will look different under different illumination. The hard copy is made visible by reflected light. What is reflected is dependent on the light source. The distortions of sodium street lights are well known, but the same sort of effect is true of fluorescent or incandescent lights. The north light works reasonably well as a standard because of our environmental background, and because it is based on the light source which was available as our eyes evolved. There is at least one more factor to be considered: the printer. Just as a monitor can only produce a proportion of the possibilities, so too the printer is restricted in its range of possible colours. In fact it is worse: while the monitor can use the linear additivity of the primaries, the printer's primaries are anything but linear, and the mixing is subtractive. Adding the primaries on a monitor gives white: on the printer it will give a theoretical black (more of a muddy purplish darkness). It is therefore rather difficult to transform from the co-ordinates representing the colour on screen to some faithful (whatever that means) rendering on the page. There are lots of dodges which can be adopted. The most comprehensive is to employ some sort of lookup table. This depends on the measurement of many samples -- it is a lot of rather tedious work, spread over lots of subjects (remember the underlying psycho physical variation). Briefly then: \begin{enumerate} \item the colours you see on the monitor are a subset of possible colours; \item the illumination of the room can be important \item the printer does not have the capability of rendering all the colours visible on the monitor; \item you will probably view the hard copy under a variety of lighting conditions. \end{enumerate} Is there any hope? Some printers are better than others. The machine we use here at Warwick, a Tektronix Phaser, is essentially a wax crayon machine; it is reasonably good, for the price. The best hard copy devices are dye sublimation printers and they are very expensive. If you stick to primary colours, and colour gradation is not a key issue, the Phaser is excellent. With a lot of time and effort you might achieve finer quality work with it. If you are looking for a photographic quality reproduction you would have to use other technologies -- and even then, you can fail. In many cases though, hard copy is irrelevant. The display medium is genuinely the monitor screen. If we think in this way, we realise that many other possibilities are introduced, like running video clips, or even pieces of software, within a document or presentation (yes, \LaTeXe\ does not yet support such extensions explicitly, but a suitable \texttt{\char'134special} could). We usually have the feeling that paper is the objective, but it does not have to be. Sometimes it is more convenient, but at other times it is restrictive. Any of the good ideas for this came from presentations by Chris Lilley of the Computer Graphics Unit at Manchester Computer Centre; the mistakes are mine. \section{Trivial pursuit} For many years I have been toying with the notion of creating a special \TeX\ edition of \emph{Trivial Pursuit}. There are those who contend that \TeX\ \emph{is} a trivial pursuit, but I will have nothing to do with this view. To assist in the creation of this game, and to tempt the likes of Waddington's, I will start to include examples of the questions in this column. The first question is in two parts. The first part is borrowed from the ACM 1994 Computer Bowl quiz: ``Only one person in all of computing's history has ever won both the ACM Turing Award for lasting technical achievement and the Grace Murray Hoppper Award for work done prior to reaching the age of thirty. Who is that person?'' The second part is this: ``The Computer Bowl quiz was created and produced by the Computer Museum, Boston. What link does this have to the answer for the previous question?'' \section{Dutch bearing gifts} I quickly snapped up my NTS \cd{} when it was offered through the group. I was motivated by a curious mixture of support for the efforts of another group, and a willingness to get tangled up in a flashily trendy technology, although I have to admit that I'm not yet convinced by \cd{} technology. %But I have to admit that I'm not yet %convinced by \cd{}. It seems to me like a suspect technology which is %only half way there, or one which has been rather over-hyped. While %the shiny disks can contain a fair amount of data -- 640 Mbytes -- %this seems to me to be pretty inadequate for multimedia applications %which include still or moving pictures, and the access times for %random movements around the disk are appalling (almost as bad as World %Wide Web connections around the InterNet). It is fine for sequential %text when it is read in a linear fashion. In other words, pretty %boring stuff. However, as an archiving mechanism it offers some %potential, ignoring the extreme difficulty with which additional %material can be added. One advantage of the NTS \cd{} is the booklet which comes with it. Once you have installed the suite, and basically it wants to run from the \cd{} drive, you find that it is enormously configurable. Because of the many varieties of printers, screens and editors which are available in \dos{} systems, you could have many happy hours ahead of you getting things right. I get the feeling that it is assumed that you will like fiddling. There is no doubt that great effort went into this, and equally, that you can eventually install all the relevant bits and pieces. I wonder how you would manage to install something useful if you didn't want to use the 4\dos{} shell which is the default. Clearly the developers thought this an unlikely decision. They say ``One might object that using 4\dos{} batch files deprives the old-fashioned \texttt{command.com} users from the benefits of 4\TeX. We happen to think that this would only be a mild punishment for not recognizing how good 4\dos{} really is.'' Well, pardon me! Oddly, they fail to mention that continued use of 4\dos{} involves payment of a shareware fee. Once you do get it installed, you still appear to have great power to customise the options the shell offers. However, I am still unclear how to change the drivers (you are provided with a variety of screen drivers and I really wanted the one which occupied least memory; this is not the default). I was also surprised that among the huge range of choices of formats you are offered, the simple \LaTeXe\ or plain \TeX\ is not among them. It is rather like going into Macdonald's and trying to get a burger without the limp lettuce or the ketchup. In this case of the formats, the lettuce and ketchup is Babel. On the whole, I suspect the shell is about as good as you can get with \dos{}. It appears workmanlike. I'm afraid it does look dated though. Windows is here. The true \textsc{blu}e \TeX ie may resent it, and see it as a step towards perdition, but for many of us Windows is the least unacceptable face of the Intel chip's range of operating systems. But compared to PrimeTime's \cd{}, this is a joy. At least the NTG's offering has the advantage that you can browse it a bit like you browse \ctan. If there is a useful file there, you can find it and pull it out. The PrimeTime \cd{} is tarred and feathered (or zipped) so that you can't actually find anything unless you know where it is. It contains almost all the contents of \ctan, but nowhere does it actually give you the date of this snapshot. The sheer mass is daunting. And layered on the top of this is an assumption that \unix{} is the way the truth and the life. It makes a point about distributing source code: ``Binary-only distribution prevents recipients from modifying or learning from the internals of software.'' I have to confess that I'm not terribly interested in computer programs. I'm much more interested with what I can do with the program. The days of immersing yourself in the exciting details of source code should surely be passing. The terms `nerd' and `propellor-head' or `techno-weenie' spring to mind, almost unbidden. People you would prefer to avoid at parties. Like the ones who want to tell you the latest exciting details of \LaTeXe\ or \textss{dvips}. If I have to examine the internals to work out why \TeX\ inserts a skip at some particular point I'll drift silently to Quark Xpress.\footnote{In passing, if I had put a fraction of the effort into Quark that I have in \TeX\ and \LaTeX, I would be emminently employable at any number of publishers. On the other hand, I would probably also have a pony tail and an earring.} What is the basis for my rant? First, virtually all the discussion in the handbook is in terms of \unix{}. This is partly fair, since PrimeTime admit that their experience is almost wholly with \unix{}, and does not really spread to other platforms. Until you actually look at the \cd{} itself (and yes, it is readable under \dos{}, Windows and the Mac), you don't realise that it might just be useful to you. There are the tools needed to unzip the many files on platforms other than \unix{}. I was mildly amused that the Windows unzip application came as a \texttt{.z} file itself (\ie\ \emph{zipped}), but since there is also a \dos{} executable, that is hardly insuperable. The Mac version of \textsf{unzip} came in two versions -- one a BinHex file, and the other a self extracting archive. The latter is the one that most of us would prefer. Those of us who enjoy the Mac tend to enjoy it because we don't have to mess around. We can get straight on with the real jobs. In order to use this archive you woud have had to dust down your copy of ResEdit and mess around changing file types: this is close to binary editing. It is not the sort of thing you do every day. So I BinHexed it, and there was the archive, which worked wonderfully. Except. There is always an except. Turning it loose on a part of the \cd, on a genuine \textsf{zip} file, it just wouldn't work until I realised that you had to copy the \textsf{zip} file to your hard disk and then unpack it. Otherwise you get unintelligible errors. This is clearly a failing of this particular implementation of \textsf{unzip}, but it would have been `friendly' if the manual had pointed it out. After all, someone must have tested it all out, mustn't they? This means you have to waste disc space on the \textsf{zip}ped and unzipped files together. This aside, my main complaint is that to find anything you must first unzip the file you think it might be in. Since the unzipped files would amount to two gigabytes or so, you cannot really just unzip the whole archive and browse. Maybe I'm being uncharitable. After all, if you want a particular driver, you look for that driver, and not another one. Unzip it and off you go. No-one really wants to browse through all the bits of particular drivers, do they? But think, there's all that source to modify and learn from. I can hardly wait. %Does it have \LaTeXe? you ask. Clearly you haven't been paying %attention. It is the contents of \ctan. Therefore \LaTeXe\ is there, %and just where you would expect it. It is also the `current' version, %rather than the pre-release which the chronologically earlier NTG %\cd{} contained. The text of the handbook is largely taken up with technical details, but has a foreword George Greenwade, the \emph{emminence grise} of \ctan, a note on TUG by Sebastian `\emph{Il Presidente}' Rahtz (in uncharacteristically mellow and benevolent mode), and one of Kees van der Laan's idiosyncratic expositions entitled `What is \TeX\dots'. There is no doubt of Kees' enthusiasm. He writes at a frenetic pace which often leaves the tedious details of conventional sentence structure far behind. You will either find it exhilarating or debilitating. At times he seems capable of raising himself several feet off the ground purely by belief and pace alone. The ground looms up very large and unfriendly towards the end. I'm a little bemused by it all. In both cases, opportunities seem to have been missed. Or perhaps worse, \TeX\ is again cast in the light of the avid techno-whizz. Both of these offerings are just barely useful, and save themselves from consignment to one of the outer Hells. What is it that we should be doing? The contents of \ctan\ are undoubtedly convenient, but the compression of the PrimeTime disc does erect a barrier which is too high. Better to trim it mercilessly but make it more accessible (yes, I know there is a problem with depth of directories: \ctan\ goes deeper than the \cd\ format will allow). The NTG \cd, thanks to the shareware component, is just waiting to turn sour. The scrupulously honest will have difficulty creating an alternative integrated \TeX\ system. And anyway, it still isn't Windows! Time to get into the 90s, before the century ends. But at least it is possible to find useful files before you find them disc space. \end{Article}