\title{Letter to the Editor} \author{} \def\latexword#1{\texttt{#1}} \begin{Article} In her article on `Table design' in \BV~4.4, Siep Kroonenberg says that `\verb+\raggedright+ simply doesn't work in a tabular environment' and suggests some difficult ways to get round this. I disagree: \verb+\raggedright+ works perfectly well in a tabular environment so long as the current entry ends with \verb+&+. If your ragged right entry is not in the final column then you can put \verb+&+ after it even if you intend to have no more entries in that row. If you want any raggedright entries in the final column, the easiest way round the problem is to add a dummy column at the end of the \latexword{tabular} specification: for example, instead of saying \verb+\begin{tabular}{... p{2in}}+ you could put \verb+\begin{tabular}{... p{2in}c}+ or even \verb+\begin{tabular}{... p{2in}@{}c@{}}+ if you are fussy about unwanted extra space. When you are entering information in the tabular environment, you can forget about the extra dummy column except when the old final column has a ragged right entry, in which case that entry must finish with \verb+&\\+ instead of just \verb+\\+. \leftline{\hfill \emph{R.~A.~Bailey}} \end{Article}