% This is the UKTUG version of the TeX FAQ % \documentclass{article} % \setcounter{errorcontextlines}{999} % \usepackage{faq} % % read the first two lines of faqbody.tex for the file version and % date \newread\docbody \openin\docbody=faqbody \read\docbody to \bodyline \bodyline \read\docbody to \bodyline \bodyline \immediate\closein\docbody % \typeout{The TeX FAQ, v\fileversion, date \filedate\space(UK TeX Users Group)} % % let's not be too fussy while we're developing... \hfuzz10pt \emergencystretch10pt % \begin{document} \title{The New \TeX{} FAQ\\ Your \protect\ref{lastquestion} Questions Answered\\ version \fileversion, date \filedate} \author{The UK \TeX{} Users Group Committee\\ after the original maintained by \\ Bobby Bodenheimer} \maketitle \centerline{\textsc{Note}} \begin{quotation}\small This document is an interim copy of something that's still `work in progress'. It is being prepared for the December 1994 edition of the UKTUG magazine \BV{} (which won't be formatted like this), and will be available to be fed back into the normal \Newsgroup|comp.text.tex| FAQ posting at around the time of that publication. It is also to be available as a \textsc{www} page. \end{quotation} \tableofcontents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input faqbody \typeout{*** That makes \thesubsection\space questions ***} \end{document}