%%%start of form for chair \newcommand{\NL}{\\[0.7\baselineskip]} \begin{multicols}{2} \noindent \FullLine{} {\bf Election for chair}\NL \FullLine{Name of Nominee:} \FullLine{Address:} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and am willing to stand for election for the chair of \ukt\ for 1995--97. \NL \HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL \FullLine{Name of Nominator:} \FullLine{Address:} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and that I nominate the above-named person for the chair of \ukt\ for 1995--97. \NL \HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL \FullLine{Name of Seconder:} \FullLine{Address:} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and that I second the nomination of the above-named person for the chair of \ukt\ for 1995--97. \NL \HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL %%%end of form for chair %%%start of form for committee members \noindent \FullLine{} {\bf Election for committee member}\NL \FullLine{Name of Nominee:} \FullLine{Address:} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and am willing to stand for election to the Committee of \ukt\ for 1995--96. \NL \HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL \FullLine{Name of Nominator:} \FullLine{Address:} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and that I nominate the above-named person for election to the Committee of \ukt\ for 1995--96. \NL \HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL \FullLine{Name of Seconder:} \FullLine{Address:} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and that I second the nomination of the above-named person for election to the Committee of \ukt\ for 1995--96. \NL \HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL %%%end of form for committee members \end{multicols}