\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \newcommand{\act}[1]{} %\newcommand{\act}[1]{(#1)} %\newcommand{\remark}[1]{\begin{quote} \it RAB says: #1 \end{quote}} \newcommand{\remark}[1]{} %note that both \act and \remark will be set to do nothing in the version that %goes to the members %The editor to change or delete these commands \newcommand{\BV}{{\it Baskerville}} \newcommand{\uktug}{UK \TeX\ Users' Group} %\addtolength{\textwidth}{1in} %\addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.5in} %\addtolength{\topmargin}{-0.5in} %\addtolength{\textheight}{1.5in} \begin{document} \begin{center} \bf\large The UK \TeX\ Users' Group\\ Sixth Annual General Meeting\\[6pt] To be held in \\[3pt] Room G2, School of Mathematical Sciences\\ Queen Mary and Westfield College\\ University of London\\[6pt] at 1130 on Wednesday 18 October 1995\\ %AGENDA \end{center} \remark{The place is not yet confirmed} \pagestyle{empty} \raggedright \subsection*{DRAFT AGENDA} \act{CAR to welcome, then to introduce each item} \begin{enumerate} %\item Collection of ballots for the chair. \item Receipt of the report of the 1994 AGM. \act{RAB to point to Baskerville} \item Chair's report. \act{CAR} \item Treasurer's report. \act{PA} \item Appointment of auditors. \act{CAR} \item Approval of the annual subscription for individual members. \act{PA} The committee proposes the following motion. \begin{quote} \it The membership fee for 1996 shall be \pounds 20.00 for full membership or \pounds 10.00 for full-time student membership. \end{quote} \remark{I have not raised the fees, as we seem to have a healthy balance. Can Peter confirm and the rest of you approve?} \remark{We have passed the `early payment gets a discount' in perpetuity, so there is no need for a longer motion.} \item Approval of the annual subscription for institutional members. \act{PA} The committee proposes the following motion. \begin{quote} \it The membership fee for 1995 shall be \pounds 100.00 for institutional membership. \end{quote} \remark{Or we could say five times the individual fee.} \item Announcement of new Chair. \act{CAR} \item Election of Committee Members. \act{RAB to display lists and orchestrate} \item Report on {\em Baskerville}. \act{SPQR} \item Topics for Meetings (to solicit ideas from the floor on theme, location, timing and duration of forthcoming meetings). \act{MC} \item \TeX nical services to members. \act{PA and/or SPQR} \item Any other business. \act{CAR} \end{enumerate} \noindent\hrulefill Jonathan Fine has asked that the following statement be conveyed to the membership of \uktug. \begin{quote} ``I have now relinquished all my duties as a member of the Committee of UK TUG. I will not be standing for re-election at the AGM. The main reason for this has been differences with other members of the committee.'' \end{quote} \remark{JF has been engaged in LONG correspondence with SPQR, RAB and CAR, demanding that various things be published in Baskerville. I took it upon myself as constitutional person to decree that most of these could not but that the above statement would go out with the AGM agenda.} \end{document}