\title{The UK \TeX\ Users Group} \author{} \begin{article} \begin{multicols}{2} \section{Group aims and activities} The \ukt\ was founded in 1989; its activities and benefits include: \begin{itemize} \item Regular meetings covering both \TeX{}nical matters and general typographic subjects; \item Visits to publishers, font suppliers and book producers; \item In-depth workshops, with hands-on computer sessions where appropriate; \item Negotiation of discounts on \TeX\ relevant books with publishers. \item Distribution of public domain \TeX\ implementations (in cooperation with the international \TeX\ archives); \item Discount on joint UK \TeX\ Users Group/TUG membership; \item Reduction in conference fees for the TUG annual meeting and the annual European meetings; \item The publication and distribution of \BV\ (the annals of the UK \TeX\ Users Group). \end{itemize} \section{The 1995--96 \ukt\ committee} \begin{description} \item [Chair] R.~Fairbairns \item[Treasurer and Membership Secretary] P.~Abbott \item[Committee Secretary] C.~Hewlett \item[Meetings Secretary] M.~Clark \item[other members] K.~Bazargan; D.~P.~Carlisle; A.~S.~A.~Jeffrey; S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz. \end{description} \section{Future meetings} \begin{itemize} \item January 1996: ``Structured documentation'' (with BCS electronic publishing specialist group). Planned date is January 11th, planned location, School of Oriental and African Studies. This is a follow up to this year's very successful meeting held at the Bridewell Theatre. \item March 20th, 1996: ``\TeX\ and the Internet.'' Location, University of Warwick. Local organizer, Malcolm Clark. Shamelessly exploiting the popular `I-word', this meeting shows how \TeX\ is essential to the success of the Internet, and the Internet is essential to the survival of \TeX. \end{itemize} And all other suggestions gratefully received\dots Make us an offer! Maybe you would like to host a meeting on a particular subject area, or you are eager to find out more about some hot topic. Share it. After all, to burst into van der Laan-esque song ``We're your friends'' (copyright Disney, just like everything that isn't copyright Micro\$oft). \section{Membership Matters} With this issue of \BV\ should be your renewal form for membership of \ukt\ and/or TUG and any other services to which you subscribe. At the AGM on 18th October 1995 the normal membership rates for 1996 were confirmed as unchanged. Student membership of UKTUG has been reduced to {\bfseries\pounds 5.00}. It was also agreed that for payments made before 31st December 1995 the 10\% reduction on \ukt\ membership would be allowed. The renewal forms shows the amounts due. \subsection{Book Discounts} We have arrangements with Addison-Wesley for their well-known \TeX-related publications, and with International Thomson Publishing to supply any of the very excellent O'Reilly \& Associates Inc.\ series of books to members. With effect from 18th October 1995 book discounts have been increased from 10\% to 20\% and revised price lists will be included with \BV\ 5.6. We would like to remind you that the discount can be claimed on any book in the Addison-Wesley Computer Science catalogue. Just deduct 20\% from the retail price and round {\bfseries UP} to the next 5p. If you are unsure you can always contact Peter Abbott by phone, fax or email. We are only allowed to offer this service to \textbf{current} members of the UK \TeX\ User Group and/or members of TUG. Please send your order and cheque (in UK \pounds) to Peter Abbott (address in \BV\ masthead). Make cheques payable to `UKTUG' please. Books from Addison-Wesley are delivered direct but books from O'Reilly will be routed through \ukt. \emph{In all cases} please notify Peter Abbott by email, phone, fax or letter when books are delivered. \subsection{Membership shareware licenses} Agreement has been reached to buy site licences for the software listed below. A member of the UK \TeX\ User's Group is permitted to use the software (which is usually shareware) without additional payment as long as they are a member of the group. It is provided for personal use only. \begin{itemize} \item OzTeX version 1.8 -- Either obtain a copy from the CTAN archive, or available from Peter Abbott. \item Mac Dvips and Mac \MF. \item Alpha -- a \TeX-aware text editor for Macintosh obtainable from CTAN or Peter Abbott \item Eddi4TeX -- a \TeX\ shell and text editor for MS DOS obtainable from Peter Abbott (the access code will be mailed direct from Germany). \end{itemize} \subsection{Membership numbers} As at October 1995 the membership stood at: \begin{quote} \begin{tabular}{lr} UKTUG & 70\\ UKTUG(Student) & 2\\ Full TUG and UKTUG & 99\\ Basic TUG and UKTUG & 6\\ Full TUG and UKTUG (Student) & 4\\ Basic TUG and UKTUG (Student) & 1\\ Institutional & 5\\ Full TUG & 2\\ Basic TUG & 0\\ TUG and UKTUG (Student)& \\ \hline Total & 189\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{quote} Institutional members: Warwick University, Eyre \& Spottsiwoode, Anglia Polytechnic University, BPC Books \& Journals, and Elsevier Science Ltd. \end{multicols} \section{\UKTUG\ statement of accounts} \def\Head#1{\multicolumn{1}{c}{\itshape #1}} \subsection{Income and Expenditure 1994--95} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lr|r} \hline \multicolumn{2}{l}{\itshape Income } & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\itshape Expenditure} \\ \hline UKTUG & 3578.00 \\ TUG &3540.00&1250.00\\ Membership Admin &347.50&32.10\\ Disc Service &662.79&377.80\\ Book Service &1252.90&1361.89\\ CDROM Service &565.00&354.54\\ \LaTeX3 fund &6323.05&2918.00\\ Baskerville &10.00&1311.54\\ Bursary &76.91&\\ Meetings &\\ \hspace{.5cm}20/10/94 & 270.00 & 53.25 \\ \hspace{.5cm}19/1/95 &5513.00 & 2112.24 \\ \hspace{.5cm}4/4/95 & 260.00 & 100.91 \\ \hspace{.5cm}7/6/95 & 875.00 & 237.94 \\ Committee meetings&&\\ \hspace{.5cm}11/7/94 &&300.00\\ \hspace{.5cm}1/11/94&&128.40\\ \hspace{.5cm}21/2/95&&96.50\\ \hspace{.5cm}23/5/95&&127.05\\ Bank Interest/Charges &248.05 & 16.00\\ Miscellaneous & &250.67\\ Communications &250.00 &387.84\\ Hardware &&468.83\\ Gutenberg &&200.00\\ Euro\TeX &&200.00\\[6pt] \hline \textbf{Total} &\textbf{23772.20}&\textbf{12285.40}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \subsection{Profit/Loss Account 1994/95} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l*{4}{r}} \hline \Head{Account}& \Head{Brought Forward} & \Head{Income}& \Head{Expenditure} & \Head{Profit/Loss}\\ \hline TUG &$-$566.18 &3540.00 & 1250.00 & 1723.82\\ UKTUG & &3578.00 & \\ Membership Admin& &347.00 & 32.10 & 315.90\\ Disc Service & 491.26 & 662.79& 377.80 & 776.25\\ Book Service & 502.62 &1252.90 & 1361.89 & 393.63\\ CDROM Service & $-$61.18 &565.00 & 354.54 & 149.28\\ \LaTeX3 Fund & 804.68 &6323.05 & 2918.00 & 4209.73\\ Baskerville & & 10.00 & 1311.54 & $-$1301.54\\ EuroTeX & & & 200.00 &\\ Bursary & & 76.91 \\ Group meetings \\ \hspace{.5cm}20/10/94 & & 270.00 & 53.25 & 216.75\\ \hspace{.5cm}19/1/95 & &5513.00 & 2112.24 & 3400.76\\ \hspace{.5cm}4/4/95 & & 260.00 & 100.91 & 159.09\rlap{*}\\ \hspace{.5cm}7/6/95 & & 875.00 & 237.94 & 637.06\rlap{*}\\ Committee meetings \\ \hspace{.5cm}11/7/94 & & & 300.00 & \\ \hspace{.5cm}1/11/94 & & & 128.40 & \\ \hspace{.5cm}21/2/95 & & & 96.50 & \\ \hspace{.5cm}23/5/95 & & & 127.05 & \\ Bank & & 248.05 & 16.00 & 232.05 \\ Miscellaneous & & 250.50 & 1307.24 \\[6pt] \hline & &\bfseries 23772.20 & \bfseries 12285.40 \\ \hline \end{tabular} (* \emph{Still Open}) \end{center} \newpage \noindent \UKTUG\ funds are as follows \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l*{2}{r}} & 31/7/94 & 31/7/95\\ Bank statement & 10079.13&21881.48\\ Uncashed cheques &387.49 & 703.04\\ True balance & 9691.64 & 21178.44\\[8pt] \multicolumn{3}{l}{Represented by}\\[6pt] TUG funds & $-$566.18 & 1723.82\\ UKTUG funds & 8520.44&12925.73\\[6pt] Disc Service & 491.26 & 776.25\\ CD ROM Service & $-$61.18 & 149.28\\ Book Service & 502.62 & 393.63\\ \LaTeX 3 Fund & 804.68 & 4,209.73\\[6pt] \hline &\textbf{9691.64} &\textbf{21,178.44}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \begin{raggedleft} Peter Abbott\\ \UKTUG\ Honorary Treasurer 1994--95\\ \end{raggedleft} \begin{multicols}{2} \Dings \section{Obtaining \TeX} \subsection*{From the network} The UK \TeX\ Archive on \texttt{ftp.tex.ac.uk} is part of the CTAN (Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network) collaborating network of archives on the Internet organised by the \TeX\ Users Group. The three main archives follow the same structure and have identical files ({\tt ftp.tex.ac.uk}, {\tt ftp.shsu.edu} and {\tt ftp.dante.de}). The CTAN archives all run an enhanced {\em ftp} server which supports dynamic compression, uncompression, and archive creation options. Fetch the top-level file {\tt README.archive-features} for information. The server also supports site-defined commands to assist you. Please read {\tt README.site-commands} for a brief overview. Details of where to find public domain, or shareware, \TeX\ packages for different machines and operating systems are given below. Please report any problems with CTAN archives via email to \texttt{ctan@shsu.edu}. The entire archive is available on CDROM as the `\TeX cetera' package from Prime Time Freeware, 370 Altair Way, Suite 150, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA (\texttt{ptf@cfcl.com}). This is also distributed by the TUG office, and in the UK by Lasermoon Ltd (email \texttt{info@lasermoon.co.uk}, phone 01329 834944). \subsection*{Unix tapes} David Osborne is no longer able to supply Unix \TeX\ tapes, partly because there is no longer a reliable, up to date, master to copy. We expect that most Unix users have network access, or a CD reader. We recommend the te\TeX\ distribution on CTAN. \subsection*{CDROM} Apart from the CTAN `\TeX cetera' available from Prime Time Freeware, the \ukt\ distrbutes the 4All\TeX\ CDROM, created by the Dutch \TeX\ Users Group (NTG), now in its 3rd edition. This costs \pounds25 for 2 CDs, and is for DOS users; it contains \emph{everything} you can think of (programs, drivers, fonts, macros, documentation), all accessible via a friendly shell written in 4Dos. \subsection*{PC and Mac disks} The \ukt\ distributes an em\TeX\ kit for PCs, and an Oz\TeX\ kit for Macintosh. The cost covers copying and postage costs, together with the shareware fee for Oz\TeX\ (and other Mac programs) and Eddi4\TeX. Each set costs \pounds30, and is available from Peter Abbott, 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29~4LB. Cheques must be payable to \lq{}UKTUG\rq{}. Please note that this service \emph{is available to \ukt\ members only.} Each set comes with an installation guide, and (at least) full \TeX\ and \MF, a previewer, a PostScript driver, and CM fonts. Two update disks a year will be sent out automatically, with the current version of \LaTeXe, and other goodies. A subscription service is available for subsequent years. In addition, subscribers can request up to 3 disks a year with any material from the CTAN archives, but this will be supplied \lq{}as is\rq{}, without instructions. Enquiries for \TeX\ for the Atari ST etc. can be directed to: The Fast Club, 7 Musters Road, Nottingham NG2 7PP. Phone 01602 455250, fax 01602 455305. They also supply a variety of \TeX-related software in Atari format. The main directories which make up CTAN are listed below; readers are referred to David Jones\rq{} {\em Index of \TeX\ Styles and Macros} for details of macro packages and individual style files. This can be found in CTAN as {\tt info/tex-styles-and-macros.txt} {\small \begin{description} \item[biblio] bibliography-related files, such as \BibTeX. \item[digests] back issues of \TeX-related periodicals \item[dviware] contains the various dvi-to-whatever filters and drivers \item[fonts] fonts, both sources and pre-compiled \item[graphics]utilities and macros related to graphics \item[help] overviews of the archive and the \TeX\ system \item[info] files and tutorials which document various aspects of \TeX \item[indexing] utilities and related files for indexing \item[language] material for typesetting non-English documents \item[macros] macros packages for \TeX\ and style files \item[support] programs which can be used in support of \TeX \item[systems] complete system setups, organized by operating system \item[tools] the various archiving tools used on CTAN \item[web] contains WEB-related files and utilities \end{description} } \end{multicols} \makeatletter \@signature \makeatother \end{article} \endinput \end{multicols} \bgroup \small \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|lllp{2.5in}|} \hline Name & Environment & CTAN path & Notes\\ \hline em\TeX & DOS, OS/2 & systems/msdos/emtex &complete new release in late Spring 1995\\ sb\TeX & DOS & systems/msdos/sbtex & includes latest \TeX\ and \MF\\ g\TeX & DOS & systems/msdos/gtex & 386-only \TeX\ and \MF, which replace parts of em\TeX, and work with Windows memory management\\ \hline Oz\TeX & Mac & systems/mac/oztex & This package is shareware\\ CMac\TeX & Mac & systems/mac/cmactex & Shareware port of Unix \TeX\\ Direct\TeX & Mac & systems/mac/directtex & This package is shareware\\ \hline pas\TeX & Amiga & systems/amiga/pastex & \\ \hline --- & Atari & systems/atari/lindner-tex-packed-disks & \\ --- & Atari & systems/atari/cs-tex & \\ \hline web2c \TeX & Unix & systems/unix/web2c & a complete source kit for \TeX\ and \MF, which should compile on most Unix boxes; needs a C compiler.\\ te\TeX\ & Unix & systems/unix/tetex & a `plug-n-play' Unix \TeX\ distribution by Thomas Esser, with binaries for many systems (including Linux).\\ \hline --- & VMS & systems/vms &Alpha and VAX versions available \\ \hline GhostScript & * & support/ghostview & PostScript previewer for many platforms, including Mac\\ dvips & * & dviware/dvips & popular {\tt dvi} to PostScript driver\\ --- & --- & biblio/bibtex/styles/contrib & \BibTeX\ style files\\ --- & --- & web/knuth & The files maintained by Don Knuth\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \egroup \begin{multicols}{2}