\ForExclusive \noindent{This \textsc{scenario} comes in three different prints, stemming from the same source file: an abridged `Wide' version for presentors and other people who are involved with the Meridian Arts Ensemble, a more complete `Circle' version for some people who work together with the Ensemble and a full `Exclusive' version with some private details that are only useful for communication between the members of the Ensemble and the Meridian Foundation. % reserve sign for HH's address, using macros % defined in hhmuf.sty: \mufhire emailhh:{herman@fgbbs.iaf.nl} \MarkThisExclusive{This is an example of the `roadsign' used in the margin of text parts which are only visible in the `Exclusive' version. It was designed for us by Herman Haverkort\muf emailhh:{}, a grand \textsc{mae} fan and \TeX\ wizard. Texts marked in this manner are represented as `(\ldots)' in the `Circle' and `Wide' printings.} \MarkThisCircle{This is an example of the `roadsign' used in the margin of text parts which are only visible in the `Circle' and `Exclusive' version. It was designed for us by Herman Haverkort\muf emailhh:{}, a grand \textsc{mae} fan and \TeX\ wizard. Texts marked in this manner are represented as `(\ldots)' in the `Wide' printing.} Furthermore, a concise version of this scenario consists of only the first sections, as an introduction to presentors. \textbf{NOTE: this is a print of the \ForWhom\ version.}}