\title%[\textsf{yhmath}] {Large brackets and accents: the \textsf{yhmath} package} \author[Yannis Haralambous]{Yannis Haralambous\\ 187, rue Nationale, 59800 Lille, France\\ \texttt{haralambous@univ-lille1.fr}} \begin{Article} \section{Abstract} This package\footnote{This article describes the currently available version. An extended package with more symbols is planned.} provides a set of big delimiters, intermediate to those of the original \TeX{}, and also much bigger. It also provides very wide accents (including two new ones: parenthesis and triangle). These symbols are included in a font which has Don's \File|cmex10| as lower ASCII part. \section{Installation} This package consists of (a) a font, written in Metafont, (b) a \LaTeX{} style file, (c) an \texttt{fd} file for the OMX encoding using the new font. To build the font put all the Metafont files somewhere where your Metafont can find them (for example in \path|texmf/fonts/src/public/yhmath|) Then launch Metafont at least once on \File|yhcmex10| so that at least one \texttt{tfm} file exists when you'll start typesetting (\File|dvips| and similar programs will create the \texttt{pk}s, don't worry). Then take the \File|OMXyhex.fd| file and put it together with your other \texttt{fd} (Font Definition) files; and \File|yhmath.sty| together with your other \LaTeX{} styles. Have fun! \section{Availability} Don Knuth's code is included in Metafont files, so this code is under the usual \TeX ware copyright conditions. My code is postcard-ware. (If you like it and find it is worth a postcard + a stamp + the mental effort of writing a word [optional!] and the physical effort of going to the nearest mailbox, then do it!) Everything is on \textsc{ctan}, and if there are upgrades you will be informed in the usual way. \section{Very big delimiters} I never liked those parentheses of matrices which become almost immediately straight. In traditional math typography, parentheses stay curved, even if they are very big. So I decided to play around with \TeX's \texttt{charlist} font property, and make some more of those big delimiters. I also did intermediate sizes (for all ``big'' delimiters). Here are some examples : %\begin{figure*} \begingroup \begin{gather}\label{p1} \begin{pmatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & i \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & i\\ j & k & l \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & i\\ j & k & l\\ m & n & o \end{pmatrix} \end{gather} \mathversion{yh}\setbox0\hbox{$$} \begin{gather}\label{p2} \begin{pmatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & i \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & i\\ j & k & l \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & i\\ j & k & l\\ m & n & o \end{pmatrix} \end{gather} \eqref{p1} is produced using the standard \TeX\ fonts, \eqref{p2} shows the result of using this package. \endgroup %\end{figure*} \section{A new \AmS-\LaTeX{}-like matrix-like environment} Since I also did ``very big'' versions of the ``left angle'' and ``right angle'' symbols, why not make ``matrices'' with them as delimiters? I have never seen such a mathematical object, but perhaps was it just because this construction wasn't available yet? (This is a chicken and egg story). I called this new \AmS-\LaTeX-like environment \texttt{amatrix} (``a'' for ``angle''). I hope AMS people will just love it and include it into \AmS-\LaTeX!\footnote{Talking of \AmS-\LaTeX{} there are a few more macros I would like to see included, see next section.} Here are the same matrices as above, with angles instead of parentheses: \begingroup \begin{gather}\label{a1} \begin{amatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & i \end{amatrix} \begin{amatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & i\\ j & k & l \end{amatrix} \begin{amatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & i\\ j & k & l\\ m & n & o\end{amatrix} \end{gather} \mathversion{yh}\setbox0\hbox{$$} \begin{gather}\label{a2} \begin{amatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & i \end{amatrix} \begin{amatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & i\\ j & k & l \end{amatrix} \begin{amatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f\\ g & h & i\\ j & k & l\\ m & n & o \end{amatrix} \end{gather} \eqref{a1} is produced using the standard \TeX\ fonts, \eqref{a2} shows the result of using this package. \endgroup \section{New roots} Roots got bigger as well, so that now the ``vertical root'' comes much later. Example : \begin{equation}\label{r1} \sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{% \sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt x}}}}}}}}}}}} \end{equation} {\mathversion{yh} \begin{equation}\label{r2} \sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{% \sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt x}}}}}}}}}}}} \end{equation}} \eqref{r1} is produced using the standard \TeX\ fonts, \eqref{r2} shows the result of using this package. \section{A few things missing from \AmS-\LaTeX{} v1.2} In \AmS-\LaTeX{} there is a \verb|\ddots| command for diagonal dots. How about antidiagonal ones? There are matrices called anti-symmetric, and for them we need the notation ``dots going up''. I define a \verb|\adots| macro, with a code symmetric to \verb|\ddots|, here is the result: \smash{$\adots$}. Another thing missing in all \TeX{} \& Co\@. packages: the ring accent, used in topology for the interior of a space. I define a macro \verb|\ring| to be used in math mode. Here is the result: if $X=[0,1]$ then $\ring{X}=]0,1[$. \section{Very wide accents} I added some more hats and tildes (accessed by the standard \verb|\widehat| and \verb|\widetilde| commands). so that you can get really wide accents now; see the examples below: \begin{gather} \label{h1} \widehat{A},\widehat{ABC},\widehat{ABCDE},\widehat{ABCDEFG}\\ \label{h2} \amswidehat{A},\amswidehat{ABC},\amswidehat{ABCDE}, \amswidehat{ABCDEFG}\\ \label{h3} \mbox{\mathversion{yh}$\displaystyle \widehat{A},\widehat{ABC},\widehat{ABCDE},\widehat{ABCDEFG}$} \end{gather} \begin{gather} \label{h4} \widetilde{A},\widetilde{ABC},\widetilde{ABCDE},\widetilde{ABCDEFG}\\ \label{h5} \amswidetilde{A},\amswidetilde{ABC},\amswidetilde{ABCDE}, \amswidetilde{ABCDEFG}\\ \label{h6} \mbox{\mathversion{yh}$\displaystyle \widetilde{A},\widetilde{ABC},\widetilde{ABCDE},\widetilde{ABCDEFG}$} \end{gather} \eqref{h1} and \eqref{h4} show the standard \TeX\ font. \eqref{h2} and \eqref{h5} show the larger accents possible using the AMS fonts, as defined in the \AMS-\LaTeX\ package \textsf{amsfonts}. \eqref{h3} and \eqref{h6} show the larger accents produced by the new \texttt{yhcmex10} font. \mathversion{yh} I also designed two new accents: the triangle accent \verb|\widetriangle| and the parenthesis accent \verb|\wideparen|: $$ \widetriangle{A}, \widetriangle{ABC}, \widetriangle{ABCDE}, \widetriangle{ABCDEFG} $$ $$ \wideparen{A}, \wideparen{ABC}, \wideparen{ABCDE}, \wideparen{ABCDEFG} $$ The former is used (in France only??) to show that the notation $ABC$, where $A,B,C$ are three points, means a triangle and not an angle. See what I mean? $\widetriangle{ABC}$ is a triangle, $\widehat{ABC}$ is an angle. The latter is used when we want a non-expansible accent to be applied to more than one letters at once. Of course \AmS-\LaTeX{} has given a solution to this (place the symbols between parentheses and the accent as an exponent of the right parenthesis), by I happen not to like that solution. For example if I want to write ``the interior of $[0,1]$'' $$\textrm{I prefer to see}\quad\widering{[0,1]} \quad \textrm{than} \quad ([0,1])\ring{} \quad \textrm{don't you?} $$ Of course this notation is not my invention, I saw it in many French math books (ever heard of Nick Bourbaki?). I call this macro \verb|\widering|, because it plays the r\^ole of a wide symbol (and since the ring can't be widened, a parenthesis is used). Here are some more examples (the first one coded as \verb|\ring{A}|): $$ \ring{A}, \widering{ABC}, \widering{ABCDE}, \widering{ABCDEFG} $$ \end{Article}