\def\SPQR#1{#1} \def\SPQRSTOPCOLUMNS{% \stopcolumns \vskip5pt \startcolumns[n=1,frame=on,lijn=off] } \def\SPQRSTARTCOLUMNS{% \stopcolumns \vskip5pt \startcolumns[n=2,lijn=on] } % interface=en % Just make sure that: \runMPgraphicstrue \runutilityfiletrue \newprettytrue \setupoutput[pdftex] % The general Baskerville layout. \setupbodyfont [kb,bv,def,cmr,10pt] \setuplayout [backspace=4pc, topspace=36.26999pt, % 1 in - 3 pc margin=4pc, margindistance=.5pc, width=180mm, height=753.3189pt, % 250 mm + 12 pt + 15 pt + 15 pt header=12pt, headerdistance=15pt, footer=15pt, footerdistance=0pt] \setupindenting % The manual is not designed for indenting and [1pc] % I lack the time for checking. Looks worse. \setupcolumns [distance=10mm, rulewidth=.5pt] \setupheader [after=\vskip-\prevdepth, % hm. maybe nilling the depth before=\vfill, % by default is better strut=no] \setupheadertexts [{\em Baskerville}] [{\it Volume 8, Number 4/5}] [] [\hfill{\it \ConTeXt, an Excursion}\hfill] \setupfootertexts [--\pagenumber--] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided, location=] \setupitemize [margin=1pc, distance=.5em, width=1em] \setuphead [chapter] [style=\bfb, header=start, page=, before={\blank[2*big]}, after=\blank] \setuphead [section] [style=\bfa, before={\blank[big]}, after=\blank] \setuphead [subsection] [style=\ita, before=\blank, after=] \setuphead [subsubsection] [alternative=text, style=\bs, before=\blank, after=] % The manual setup. \usemodule[eenheid] \usemodule[pictex] \usemodule[chemie] \environment star-abr \setupcolors [state=start, conversion=always] \setupwhitespace [none] % was medium \setupblank [medium] \setuptyping [margin=standard, blank=medium] \setuptolerance [tolerant] \setupsectionblock [frontpart] [page=,before=,after=] \setupsectionblock [bodypart] [page=,before=,after=] \setupsectionblock [appendix] [page=,before=,after=] \setupsectionblock [backpart] [page=,before=,after=] \defineregister [Command] [Commands] \setupregister [Command] [indication=off] \language[gb] % Some fakes. \let\Copyright=\relax \let\BackPage=\relax \long\def\Colofon% {\title{Colophon} \getbuffer[col]} \startbuffer[col] The text is written by Ton Otten and Hans Hagen and the illustrations and photographs are drawn and taken by Johan Jonker. The overall layout of this manual is adapted to {\em Baskerville}. Thanks to Sebastian Rahtz for his positive input. The original manual has about 1000 random generated \METAPOST\ graphics and looks a bit less formal. One can upload a version meant for printing as well as one for viewing on the screen from \type{www.ntg.nl/context}. The public part of the sources of \CONTEXT\ can be found at the same location. We're currently updating the Dutch reference manual, which will also be available in English and German. The latest quick reference documents, as well as some example documents, can be downloaded from the site mentioned. \startregels PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering Ridderstraat 27, 8061GH Hasselt NL +31 (0)38 477 53 69, pragma@wxs.nl \stopregels \stopbuffer \def\TableOfContents#1% {\page \startcolumns[n=2,option=background,offset=12pt,frame=off,background=screen] \title{#1} \placelist[chapter][alternative=c,before={\blank[big]}] \stopcolumns } \def\Introduction#1% {\title[intro]{#1}} \def\NormalIndex#1% {\chapter[subind]{#1} \bgroup \setupblank[big] \setupwhitespace[none] \startcolumns[n=3] \placeregister[index] \stopcolumns \egroup} \def\CommandIndex#1% {\chapter[comind]{#1} \bgroup \setupblank[big] \setupwhitespace[none] \startcolumns[n=3] \placeregister[Command] \stopcolumns \egroup} \def\CommandList#1% {\chapter[comdefs]{#1} \bgroup \readfile{star-lst}{}{} \blanko[2*big] \setupsetup[reference=2] \placesetup \egroup} % The title page. \startbuffer[bv] \hbox{\def\\{$\,$}\bf B\\a\\s\\k\\e\\r\\v\\i\\l\\l\\e} \stopbuffer \startbuffer[ct] \hbox{\bf\ConTeXt\ || an Excursion} \stopbuffer \def\TitlePage#1#2#3% {\setupheader[state=none] \setupfooter[state=none] \bgroup \forgetall \externalfigure [bv.tmp] [type=tex,width=\makeupwidth] \vskip6pt \hbox to \hsize {\bf The Annals of the UK \TeX\ Users Group\hss Editor: Sebastian Rahtz\hss Vol.~8 Nos.~4 \& 5} \vskip6pt \hbox to \hsize {\bf ISSN 1354||5930\hss September 1998} \vskip6pt {\sl Baskerville} is set in Monotype Baskerville, with Computer Modern Typewriter for literal text, and printed on a Xerox Docutech. Production and distribution is undertaken in Cambridge by Robin Fairbairns. \vskip6pt \hrule \vskip6pt \vskip6pt \title{Editorial} \startcolumns[n=2,lijn=on,linewidth=.7pt,linecolor=black] I first realised that Hans Hagen had something rather special in the way of a macro package when he talked about his PDF work at the 1995 Euro\TeX\ meeting in Arnhem. But it was not until I saw a serious demonstration of \CONTEXT\ at the 1997 TUG meeting in San Francisco that the scale and sophistication of the package became apparent. After Hans talked about his work at the 1997 UKTUG meeting, my respect increased, and we started to talk in the UKTUG committee about putting something substantial into {\em Baskerville} for our members. This double issue is the result, a complete introduction to \CONTEXT, to complement the macros which are already available on the \TeX\ Live CD-ROM. \vskip2pt \CONTEXT\ is a macro package. It does the same job as \LaTeX, but the setup is very different. \LaTeX\ consists of a core, a set of `official' document classes, and a set of interface conventions; the rest is composed of packages contributed by hundreds of people over the last 15 years. The result is hugely powerful, but chaotic, and on the verge of becoming unmanageable. \CONTEXT\ is different; all the facilities you need are provided up front, there is no system of user-contributed packages. The code is all maintained and controlled by Hans Hagen and his small company, and you do not need to worry about having to go off and look for that extra \LaTeX\ package. \CONTEXT\ was {\em designed} to include most of the facilities which \LaTeX\ accumulated over the years. There are no `document classes', just an enormously powerful set of commands to define the formatting of your document. \vskip2pt What you are about to read is, I must stress, an {\em Introduction}; the full reference manual is currently only in Dutch, but it is in the process of being translated. It contains details of many more commands whose existence is only hinted at here. \vskip2pt Obviously we needed to make this manual look as much like the {\em Baskerville} style as we could; Hans did most of the work, but Robin Fairbairns, Malcolm Clark and I had a sudden baptism by fire of \CONTEXT\ when we decided to try and massage the text into double columns. {\em Do not blame Hans or \CONTEXT\ for the results!} \vskip2pt A word of warning to those who want to rush straight off and try out this package: it is {\em big}. It eats \TeX\ memory like there is no tomorrow, and you cannot expect to run it on a small \TeX\ implementation. Persevere: all modern \TeX\ implementations can increase their memory size. You may have to experiment a bit to get things working. \stopcolumns \vskip 12pt \hrule \vskip 24pt \hbox to \hsize {\bf Ton Otten \& Hans Hagen\hss www.ntg.nl/context} \vskip12pt \hrule \vskip12pt \externalfigure [ct.tmp] [type=tex,width=\makeupwidth] \vskip 24pt \egroup } % Setup things. \input setupa.tex \breaksetuptrue \setupsetup [criterium=used] \input setupb.tex \setupframedtexts [setuptext] [background=screen, frame=off] % Here we go. \starttext \readfile{ma-cb-en}{}{} \stoptext