\documentclass{book} \def\twnocode{} %\def\twnoproc{} \usepackage{tw,makeidx} \title{Weevil - A WEB Weaver} \author{Corey Minyard} \date{\today} \pagenumbering{roman} \makeindex \newcommand{\clearemptydoublepage}{\newpage{\pagestyle{empty}\cleardoublepage}} \begin{document} \maketitle \clearemptydoublepage \tableofcontents \clearemptydoublepage \pagenumbering{arabic} \chapter{Introduction} This \verb|weevil| program generates \LaTeX2e\ output from a literate program. It doesn't do a whole lot; it just takes the code and converts it to \LaTeX\ format and generates the appropriate stuff to go around the code. It is up to the user to supply the appropriate \LaTeX\ headers, trailers and documentation for the code. \section{Operation} All directives except \verb|code| and \verb|endcode| are ignored by \verb|weevil|. These directives are converted to \verb|\begin{alltt}| and \verb|\end{alltt}| respectively. The code inbetween has all braces and backslashes converted to appropriate \LaTeX\ codes so they will print properly. Variable use and define directives are collected and issued at the bottom of the list. Macro definitions and uses are cross-referenced. \chapter{weevinfo} \include{weevinfo} \chapter{weevil} \include{weevil} \chapter{c\_weevil} \include{c_weevil} \chapter{\LaTeX} \include{latex} \printindex \end{document}