/* * Response codes for NNTP server * * @(#)Header: nntp.h,v 1.8 90/07/05 02:08:31 sob Exp $ * * First digit: * * 1xx Informative message * 2xx Command ok * 3xx Command ok so far, continue * 4xx Command was correct, but couldn't be performed * for some specified reason. * 5xx Command unimplemented, incorrect, or a * program error has occurred. * * Second digit: * * x0x Connection, setup, miscellaneous * x1x Newsgroup selection * x2x Article selection * x3x Distribution * x4x Posting */ #define CHAR_INF '1' #define CHAR_OK '2' #define CHAR_CONT '3' #define CHAR_ERR '4' #define CHAR_FATAL '5' #define INF_HELP 100 /* Help text on way */ #define INF_AUTH 180 /* Authorization capabilities */ #define INF_DEBUG 199 /* Debug output */ #define OK_CANPOST 200 /* Hello; you can post */ #define OK_NOPOST 201 /* Hello; you can't post */ #define OK_SLAVE 202 /* Slave status noted */ #define OK_GOODBYE 205 /* Closing connection */ #define OK_GROUP 211 /* Group selected */ #define OK_GROUPS 215 /* Newsgroups follow */ #define OK_ARTICLE 220 /* Article (head & body) follows */ #define OK_HEAD 221 /* Head follows */ #define OK_BODY 222 /* Body follows */ #define OK_NOTEXT 223 /* No text sent -- stat, next, last */ #define OK_NEWNEWS 230 /* New articles by message-id follow */ #define OK_NEWGROUPS 231 /* New newsgroups follow */ #define OK_XFERED 235 /* Article transferred successfully */ #define OK_POSTED 240 /* Article posted successfully */ #define OK_AUTHSYS 280 /* Authorization system ok */ #define OK_AUTH 281 /* Authorization (user/pass) ok */ #define OK_BIN 282 /* binary data follows */ #define CONT_XFER 335 /* Continue to send article */ #define CONT_POST 340 /* Continue to post article */ #define NEED_AUTHINFO 380 /* authorization is required */ #define NEED_AUTHDATA 381 /* authorization data required */ #define ERR_GOODBYE 400 /* Have to hang up for some reason */ #define ERR_NOGROUP 411 /* No such newsgroup */ #define ERR_NCING 412 /* Not currently in newsgroup */ #define ERR_NOCRNT 420 /* No current article selected */ #define ERR_NONEXT 421 /* No next article in this group */ #define ERR_NOPREV 422 /* No previous article in this group */ #define ERR_NOARTIG 423 /* No such article in this group */ #define ERR_NOART 430 /* No such article at all */ #define ERR_GOTIT 435 /* Already got that article, don't send */ #define ERR_XFERFAIL 436 /* Transfer failed */ #define ERR_XFERRJCT 437 /* Article rejected, don't resend */ #define ERR_NOPOST 440 /* Posting not allowed */ #define ERR_POSTFAIL 441 /* Posting failed */ #define ERR_NOAUTH 480 /* authorization required for command */ #define ERR_AUTHSYS 481 /* Authorization system invalid */ #define ERR_AUTHREJ 482 /* Authorization data rejected */ #define ERR_COMMAND 500 /* Command not recognized */ #define ERR_CMDSYN 501 /* Command syntax error */ #define ERR_ACCESS 502 /* Access to server denied */ #define ERR_FAULT 503 /* Program fault, command not performed */ #define ERR_AUTHBAD 580 /* Authorization Failed */ /* RFC 977 defines this; don't change it. */ #define NNTP_STRLEN 512