### R code from vignette source 'GCSscore.Rnw' ### Encoding: UTF-8 ################################################### ### code chunk number 1: GCSscore.Rnw:52-58 ################################################### # load GCSscore package: library(GCSscore) # load data.table package for parsing data files # outside of the GCSscore package: # library(data.table) ################################################### ### code chunk number 2: GCSscore.Rnw:68-73 ################################################### # get the path to example CEL files in the package directory: celpath1 <- system.file("extdata/","MN_2_3.CEL", package = "GCSscore") celpath2 <- system.file("extdata/","MN_4_1.CEL", package = "GCSscore") # run GCSscore() function directly on the two .CEL files above: GCSs.single <- GCSscore(celFile1 = celpath1, celFile2 = celpath2) ################################################### ### code chunk number 3: GCSscore.Rnw:78-89 ################################################### # view class of output: class(GCSs.single)[1] # convert GCSscore single-run from ExpressionSet to data.table: GCSs.single.dt <- data.table::as.data.table(cbind(GCSs.single@featureData@data, GCSs.single@assayData[["exprs"]])) # preview the beginning and end of the output. # *remove 'gene_name' column for printing to PDF: head(GCSs.single.dt[,-c("gene_name","nProbes")]) ################################################### ### code chunk number 4: GCSscore.Rnw:110-118 ################################################### # get the path to example CSV file in the package directory: celtab_path <- system.file("extdata", "Ss2_BATCH_example.csv", package = "GCSscore") # read in the .CSV file with fread(): celtab <- data.table::fread(celtab_path) # view structure of 'celTable' input: celtab ################################################### ### code chunk number 5: GCSscore.Rnw:121-131 ################################################### # For the following example, the .CEL files are not in the working # directory. The path to the .CEL files must be added to allow # the GCSscore() function to find them: # adds path to celFile names in batch input: # NOTE: this is not necessary if the .CEL files # are in the working directory: path <- system.file("extdata", package = "GCSscore") celtab$CelFile1 <- celtab[,paste(path,CelFile1,sep="/")] celtab$CelFile2 <- celtab[,paste(path,CelFile2,sep="/")] ################################################### ### code chunk number 6: GCSscore.Rnw:136-138 ################################################### # run GCSscore() function with batch input: GCSs.batch <- GCSscore(celTable = celtab, celTab.names = TRUE) ################################################### ### code chunk number 7: GCSscore.Rnw:143-154 ################################################### # view class of output: class(GCSs.batch)[1] # converting GCS-score output from'ExpressionSet' to 'data.table': GCSs.batch.dt <- data.table::as.data.table(cbind(GCSs.batch@featureData@data, GCSs.batch@assayData[["exprs"]])) # preview the beginning and output of the batch output: # *remove 'gene_name' and 'nProbes' columns for printing to PDF: head(GCSs.batch.dt[,-c("gene_name","nProbes")]) ################################################### ### code chunk number 8: GCSscore.Rnw:160-166 ################################################### ## find scores greater than 3 SD: signif <- GCSs.single.dt[abs(Sscore) >= 3] # View the resulting table: # removing 'gene_name' and 'nProbes' columns for PDF printing: head(signif[,-c("gene_name","nProbes")]) ################################################### ### code chunk number 9: GCSscore.Rnw:171-179 ################################################### # Calculate p-valus significant ## find the corresponding one-sided p-values: signif[,p.values.1 := (1 - pnorm(abs(signif[,Sscore])))] ## find the corresponding two-sided p-values signif[,p.values.2 := 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(signif[,Sscore])))] # sort the probe_ids by the absolute value of the Sscore: signif <- signif[order(abs(Sscore),decreasing = TRUE)] ################################################### ### code chunk number 10: GCSscore.Rnw:182-187 ################################################### # View the top of the most differentially expressed genes # from the GCSs.single output: # removing 'gene_name' and 'nProbes' columns for PDF printing: head(signif[,-c("gene_name","nProbes")])