## ---- echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- require(knitr) knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE, library(oppar), suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(Biobase)), suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(limma)), suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(GO.db)), suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(org.Hs.eg.db)) ) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ data(Tomlins) # loads processed Tomlins data # the first 21 samples are Normal samples, and the rest of # the samples are our cases (metastatic). We, thus, generate a group # variable for the samples based on this knowledge. g <- factor(c(rep(0,21),rep(1,ncol(exprs(eset)) - 21))) g # Apply opa on Tomlins data, to detect outliers relative to the # lower 10% (lower.quantile = 0.1) and upper 5% (upper.quantile = 0.95 -- Default) of # gene expressions. tomlins.opa <- opa(eset, group = g, lower.quantile = 0.1) tomlins.opa ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ tomlins.opa$profileMatrix[1:6,1:5] tomlins.opa$upper.quantile tomlins.opa$lower.quantile ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ getSampleOutlier(tomlins.opa, c(1,5)) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ outlier.list <- getSubtypeProbes(tomlins.opa, 1:ncol(tomlins.opa$profileMatrix)) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # gene set testing with limma::mroast #BiocManager::install(org.Hs.eg.db) library(org.Hs.eg.db) library(limma) org.Hs.egGO2EG go2eg <- as.list(org.Hs.egGO2EG) head(go2eg) # Gene Set analysis using rost from limma # need to subset gene express data based on up outliers up.mtrx <- exprs(eset)[fData(eset)$ID %in% outlier.list[["up"]], ] # get Entrez gene IDs for genes in up.mtrx entrez.ids.up.mtrx <- fData(eset)$Gene.ID[fData(eset)$ID %in% rownames(up.mtrx)] # find the index of genes in GO gene set in the gene expression matrix gset.idx <- lapply(go2eg, function(x){ match(x, entrez.ids.up.mtrx) }) # remove missing values gset.idx <- lapply(gset.idx, function(x){ x[!is.na(x)] }) # removing gene sets with less than 10 elements gset.ls <- unlist(lapply(gset.idx, length)) gset.idx <- gset.idx[which(gset.ls > 10)] # need to define a model.matrix for mroast design <- model.matrix(~ g) up.mroast <- mroast(up.mtrx, index = gset.idx, design = design) head(up.mroast, n=5) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ go.terms <- rownames(up.mroast[1:10,]) #BiocManager::install(GO.db) library(GO.db) columns(GO.db) keytypes(GO.db) r2tab <- select(GO.db, keys=go.terms, columns=c("GOID","TERM"), keytype="GOID") r2tab ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library(org.Hs.eg.db) library(limma) org.Hs.egGO2EG go2eg <- as.list(org.Hs.egGO2EG) head(go2eg) # subsetting gene expression matrix based on down outliers down_mtrx <- exprs(eset)[fData(eset)$ID %in% outlier.list[["down"]], ] entrez_ids_down_mtrx <- fData(eset)$Gene.ID[fData(eset)$ID %in% rownames(down_mtrx)] gset_idx_down <- lapply(go2eg, function(x){ match(x, entrez_ids_down_mtrx) }) # remove missing values gset_idx_down <- lapply(gset_idx_down, function(x){ x[!is.na(x)] }) # removing gene sets with less than 10 elements gset_ls_down <- unlist(lapply(gset_idx_down, length)) gset_idx_down <- gset_idx_down[which(gset_ls_down > 10)] # apply mroast down_mroast <- mroast(down_mtrx, gset_idx_down, design) head(down_mroast, n=5) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ go_terms_down <- rownames(down_mroast[1:10,]) dr2tab <- select(GO.db, keys=go_terms_down, columns=c("GOID","TERM"), keytype="GOID") dr2tab ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ data("Maupin") names(maupin) head(maupin$data) head(maupin$sig) geneSet<- maupin$sig$EntrezID #Symbol ##EntrezID # both up and down genes: up_sig<- maupin$sig[maupin$sig$upDown == "up",] d_sig<- maupin$sig[maupin$sig$upDown == "down",] u_geneSet<- up_sig$EntrezID #Symbol # up_sig$Symbol ## EntrezID d_geneSet<- d_sig$EntrezID enrichment_scores <- gsva(maupin$data, list(up = u_geneSet, down= d_geneSet), mx.diff=1, verbose=TRUE, abs.ranking=FALSE, is.gset.list.up.down=TRUE, parallel.sz = 1 )$es.obs head(enrichment_scores) ## calculating enrichment scores using ssgsea method # es.dif.ssg <- gsva(maupin, list(up = u_geneSet, down= d_geneSet), # verbose=TRUE, abs.ranking=FALSE, is.gset.list.up.down=TRUE, # method = "ssgsea") ## ---- fig.width= 6, fig.height= 5, fig.align= "center"------------------- hist(enrichment_scores, main = "enrichment scores", xlab="es") lines(density(enrichment_scores[,1:3]), col = "blue") # control samples lines(density(enrichment_scores[,4:6]), col = "red") # TGFb samples legend("topleft", c("Control","TGFb"), lty = 1, col=c("blue","red"), cex = 0.6)