--- title: "Topology-based pathway analysis of RNA-seq data" author: - name: Ivana Ihnatova affiliation: Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses, Masarykova University Brno email: ihnatova@iba.muni.cz - name: Ludwig Geistlinger affiliation: School of Public Health, City University of New York email: ludwig.geistlinger@sph.cuny.edu package: ToPASeq abstract: > The _ToPASeq_ package implements methods for topology-based pathway analysis of RNA-seq data. This includes Topological Analysis of Pathway Phenotype Association (TAPPA; Gao and Wang, 2007), PathWay Enrichment Analysis (PWEA; Hung et al., 2010), and the Pathway Regulation Score (PRS; Ibrahim et al., 2012). output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc: true toc_depth: 2 vignette: > % \VignetteIndexEntry{Topology-based pathway analysis of RNA-seq data} % \VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} --- ```{r setup, echo=FALSE} suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(ToPASeq) library(EnrichmentBrowser) library(graphite) library(BiocStyle) }) ``` # Setup **Note:** the `r Biocpkg("ToPASeq")` package currently undergoes a major rework due to the change of the package maintainer. It is recommended to use the topology-based methods implemented in the `r Biocpkg("EnrichmentBrowser")` or the `r Biocpkg("graphite")` package instead. We start by loading the package. ```{r lib} library(ToPASeq) ``` # Preparing the data For RNA-seq data, we consider transcriptome profiles of four primary human airway smooth muscle cell lines in two conditions: control and treatment with dexamethasone [Himes et al., 2014](https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0099625). We load the `r Biocpkg("airway")` dataset ```{r loadAirway} library(airway) data(airway) ``` For further analysis, we only keep genes that are annotated to an ENSEMBL gene ID. ```{r processAirway} airSE <- airway[grep("^ENSG", rownames(airway)),] dim(airSE) assay(airSE)[1:4,1:4] ``` # Differential expression The `r Biocpkg("EnrichmentBrowser")` package incorporates established functionality from the `r Biocpkg("limma")` package for differential expression analysis. This involves the `voom` transformation when applied to RNA-seq data. Alternatively, differential expression analysis for RNA-seq data can also be carried out based on the negative binomial distribution with `r Biocpkg("edgeR")` and `r Biocpkg("DESeq2")`. This can be performed using the function `EnrichmentBrowser::deAna` and assumes some standardized variable names: - **GROUP** defines the sample groups being contrasted, - **BLOCK** defines paired samples or sample blocks, as e.g. for batch effects. For more information on experimental design, see the [limma user's guide](https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/limma/inst/doc/usersguide.pdf), chapter 9. For the airway dataset, the **GROUP** variable indicates whether the cell lines have been treated with dexamethasone (1) or not (0). ```{r pdataAirway} airSE$GROUP <- ifelse(airway$dex == "trt", 1, 0) table(airSE$GROUP) ``` Paired samples, or in general sample batches/blocks, can be defined via a **BLOCK** column in the `colData` slot. For the airway dataset, the sample blocks correspond to the four different cell lines. ```{r pdataAirway2} airSE$BLOCK <- airway$cell table(airSE$BLOCK) ``` For RNA-seq data, the `deAna` function can be used to carry out differential expression analysis between the two groups either based on functionality from *limma* (that includes the `voom` transformation), or alternatively, the frequently used *edgeR* or *DESeq2* package. Here, we use the analysis based on *edgeR*. ```{r deAirway} library(EnrichmentBrowser) airSE <- deAna(airSE, de.method="edgeR") rowData(airSE, use.names=TRUE) ``` # Pathway analysis Pathways are typically represented as graphs, where the nodes are genes and edges between the nodes represent interaction between genes. The `r Biocpkg("graphite")` package provides pathway collections from major pathway databases such as KEGG, Biocarta, Reactome, and NCI. Here, we retrieve human KEGG pathways. ```{r pwys} library(graphite) pwys <- pathways(species="hsapiens", database="kegg") pwys ``` As the airway dataset uses ENSEMBL gene IDs, but the nodes of the pathways are based on NCBI Entrez Gene IDs, ```{r nodes} nodes(pwys[[1]]) ``` we first map the gene IDs in the airway dataset from ENSEMBL to ENTREZ IDs. ```{r mapIDs} airSE <- idMap(airSE, org="hsa", from="ENSEMBL", to="ENTREZID") ``` Next, we define all genes with adjusted _p_-value below 0.01 as differentially expressed, and collect their log2 fold change for further analysis. ```{r genes} all <- names(airSE) de.ind <- rowData(airSE)$ADJ.PVAL < 0.01 de <- rowData(airSE)$FC[de.ind] names(de) <- all[de.ind] ``` This results in 2,426 DE genes - out of 11,780 genes in total. ```{r nrGenes} length(all) length(de) ``` ## Pathway Regulation Score (PRS) The Pathway Regulation Score (PRS) incorporates the pathway topology by weighting the indiviudal gene-level log2 fold changes by the number of downstream DE genes. The weighted absolute fold changes are summed across the pathway and statistical significance is assessed by permutation of genes. [Ibrahim et al., 2012](https://doi.org/10.1089/cmb.2011.0182) ```{r prs} res <- prs(de, all, pwys[1:100], nperm=100) head(res) ``` Corresponding gene weights (number of downstream DE genes) can be obtained for a pathway of choice via ```{r prsWeights} ind <- grep("ErbB signaling pathway", names(pwys)) weights <- prsWeights(pwys[[ind]], de, all) weights ``` Inspecting the genes with maximum number of downstream DE genes ```{r maxWeight} weights[weights == max(weights)] ``` reveals important upstream regulators including several G protein subunits such as subunit beta 2 (Entrez Gene ID [2783](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/?term=2783)).