--- title: "cBioPortalData: User Start Guide" author: "Marcel Ramos" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`" vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteIndexEntry{cBioPortal User Guide} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} output: BiocStyle::html_document: number_sections: no toc: yes toc_depth: 4 --- ```{r, setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE) ``` # Installation ```{r,include=TRUE,results="hide",message=FALSE,warning=FALSE} library(cBioPortalData) library(AnVIL) ``` # Introduction This vignette lays out the two main user-facing functions for downloading and representing data from the cBioPortal API. `cBioDataPack` makes use of the legacy distribution data method in `cBioPortal` (via tarballs). `cBioPortalData` allows for a more flexibile approach to obtaining data based on several available parameters including available molecular profiles. ## Two main interfaces ### cBioDataPack: Obtain Study Data as Zipped Tarballs This function will access the packaged data from \url{cBioPortal.org/datasets} and return an integrative MultiAssayExperiment representation. ```{r,message=FALSE,warning=FALSE} ## Use ask=FALSE for non-interactive use cBioDataPack("laml_tcga", ask = FALSE) ``` ### cBioPortalData: Obtain data from the cBioPortal API This function provides a more flexible and granular way to request a MultiAssayExperiment object from a study ID, molecular profile, gene panel, sample list. ```{r,warning=FALSE} cbio <- cBioPortal() acc <- cBioPortalData(api = cbio, by = "hugoGeneSymbol", studyId = "acc_tcga", genePanelId = "IMPACT341", molecularProfileIds = c("acc_tcga_rppa", "acc_tcga_linear_CNA") ) acc ``` ## Clearing the cache ### cBioDataPack In cases where a download is interrupted, the user may experience a corrupt cache. The user can clear the cache for a particular study by using the `removeCache` function. Note that this function only works for data downloaded through the `cBioDataPack` function. ```{r,eval=FALSE} removeCache("laml_tcga") ``` ### cBioPortalData For users who wish to clear the entire `cBioPortalData` cache, it is recommended that they use: ```{r,eval=FALSE} unlink("~/.cache/cBioPortalData/") ``` # sessionInfo ```{r} sessionInfo() ```