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This is the released version of GeneRegionScan; for the devel version, see GeneRegionScan.


Bioconductor version: Release (3.20)

A package with focus on analysis of discrete regions of the genome. This package is useful for investigation of one or a few genes using Affymetrix data, since it will extract probe level data using the Affymetrix Power Tools application and wrap these data into a ProbeLevelSet. A ProbeLevelSet directly extends the expressionSet, but includes additional information about the sequence of each probe and the probe set it is derived from. The package includes a number of functions used for plotting these probe level data as a function of location along sequences of mRNA-strands. This can be used for analysis of variable splicing, and is especially well suited for use with exon-array data.

Author: Lasse Folkersen, Diego Diez

Maintainer: Lasse Folkersen <lasfol at>

Citation (from within R, enter citation("GeneRegionScan")):


To install this package, start R (version "4.4") and enter:

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


For older versions of R, please refer to the appropriate Bioconductor release.


To view documentation for the version of this package installed in your system, start R and enter:

GeneRegionScan PDF R Script
Reference Manual PDF


biocViews DataImport, Microarray, OneChannel, SNP, Software, Visualization
Version 1.62.0
In Bioconductor since BioC 2.4 (R-2.9) (16 years)
License GPL (>= 2)
Depends methods, Biobase(>= 2.5.5), Biostrings
Imports S4Vectors(>= 0.9.25), Biobase(>= 2.5.5), affxparser, RColorBrewer, Biostrings
System Requirements
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Suggests BSgenome, affy, AnnotationDbi
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Follow Installation instructions to use this package in your R session.

Source Package GeneRegionScan_1.62.0.tar.gz
Windows Binary (x86_64)
macOS Binary (x86_64) GeneRegionScan_1.62.0.tgz
macOS Binary (arm64) GeneRegionScan_1.62.0.tgz
Source Repository git clone
Source Repository (Developer Access) git clone
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