\name{hmceuB36} \alias{hmceuB36} \title{representations of HapMap snp data + expression data} \description{ representations of HapMap snp data + expression data } \usage{ data(hmceuB36) } \details{ These instances of class \code{\link[GGBase:smlSet-class]{smlSet}} are created from two basic sources. First, the expression data for 90 CEU families in CEPH were obtained from SANGER GENEVAR project. Second, data on forward non-redundant SNPs in these individuals the HapMap build 36 ftp site in march 2008. Full provenance information still to be supplied. } \value{ instances of class \code{\link[GGBase:smlSet-class]{smlSet}} } \references{ Cheung VG., Spielman RS., Ewens KG., Weber TM., Morley M & Burdick JT.: \emph{Mapping determinants of human gene expression by regional and whole genome association.} Nature, 437: 1365-1369, 2005 } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ data(hmceuB36) # be patient exprs(hmceuB36)[1:4,1:4] as(smList(hmceuB36)[[1]][1:4,1:4], "character") library(ff) library(GGtools) tt = gwSnpTests(genesym("CPNE1")~male, hmceuB36, snpdepth(500)) tt plot(tt) } \keyword{ models }