\name{IyerAnnotated} % Iclust GB seqno locusid GO1 GO2 GO3 GO4 GO5 %1 N W95909 1 80298 %2 A AA045003 2 6414 GO:0008430 %3 A AA044605 3 5300 GO:0003755 GO:0005515 % \alias{IyerAnnotated} \alias{Iyer517GO} \docType{data} \title{ Partly annotated version of Iyer517 data } \description{ GenBank ids, LocusLink ids (where available) and GO tags (where available) for the 517 cDNAs in the dataset. } \usage{data(IyerAnnotated); data(Iyer517GO)} \format{ Iyer517GO: An environment with keys given by the 'GB' identifiers of probes and values given by vectors of GO tags (named by evidence codes) obtained via locuslink mapping IyerAnnotated: A data frame with 517 observations on the following 9 variables. \describe{ \item{Iclust}{a factor with levels \code{N} \code{A} \code{B} ... -- the cluster groups A-J of the Iyer paper, with N for those rows that were not clustered} \item{GB}{a factor with levels \code{AA001025} \code{AA001722} ... accession numbers (often genbank) for probes} \item{seqno}{a numeric vector indicating the order of the cDNA in the Iyer report on clustering. (Elements 2:101 formed cluster A, etc.) } \item{locusid}{a numeric vector of locuslink ids, formed using AnnBuilder} \item{GO1}{a character vector of GO tags (there were up to five based on the LL:GO mapping available March 2003 -- these should be ignored in favor of the new Iyer517GO environment} \item{GO2}{a character vector} \item{GO3}{a character vector} \item{GO4}{a character vector} \item{GO5}{a character vector} } } \details{ Annotating this dataset is a good exercise for AnnBuilder. Many of the probes seem to have no annotation. } \source{ \url{http://genome-www.stanford.edu/serum/data.html} } \references{ Iyer et al, Science v283: 83-87 (1999) } \examples{ data(IyerAnnotated) table(is.na(IyerAnnotated$GO1)) data(Iyer517GO) get(ls(env=Iyer517GO)[1],env=Iyer517GO) } \keyword{datasets}