\name{gnfCerebHi} \alias{gnfCerebHi} \alias{gnfCerebLow} \docType{data} \title{Gene lists for hi or low abundance in cerebellum according to Novartis GNF symatlas} \description{Data frames with gene lists for hi or low abundance in cerebellum according to Novartis GNF symatlas} \usage{ data(gnfCerebHi) data(gnfCerebLow) } \details{ The symatlas.gnf.org database was searched using the gcrma version of human gene atlas for genes having expression in cerebellum at least 3 times (or at most 1/3 times) median expression over all organs surveyed. The resulting gene lists were intersected with genes present on GE codelink (version used in MAQCsubset) and hgu95a. } \value{ data.frame instances with columns providing gene name, affy probe set identifier, codelink probe identifier, illuminaHumanv1 identifier. } %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ data(gnfCerebHi) gnfCerebHi[1:3,] } \keyword{ models }