\name{SpikeIn} \alias{spikein133} \alias{rma133} \alias{mas133} \alias{pacalls133} \alias{spikein95} \alias{rma95} \alias{mas95} \alias{pacalls95} \title{Subset of Affymetrix SpikeIn Experiment Data} \description{ Probe-level and pre-proecssed data for six arrays (two triplicates) from the HGU95 and HGU133 SpikeIn experiments. } \usage{ data(spikein95) data(rma95) data(mas95) data(spikein133) data(rma133) data(mas133) } \format{\code{SpikeIn} is \code{\link[affy:ProbeSet-class]{ProbeSet}} containing the $PM$ and $MM$ intensities for a gene spiked in at different concentrations. Use \code{pData} to see the cosntrations.} \source{ \code{spikein95} and \code{spikein133} are instances of \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{ProbeSet}} with the probe-level data for six arrays (two triplicates) from the HGU95 and HGU133 SpikeIn experiments respectively. \code{rma95} and \code{rma133} contain the data pre-processed with RMA. \code{mas95} and \code{mas133} contain the data preprocssed with mas5 (expression and present/absent calls). The calls are in objects called \code{pacalls95} and \code{pacalls133}. For more information see Irizarry, R.A., et al. NAR (2003) \url{http://www.biostat.jhsph.edu/~ririzarr/papers/index.html} } \keyword{datasets}