\name{e2f3Wts} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{e2f3Wts} \docType{data} \title{ Coefficients to weight components of E2F3 pathway to score for activity, derived from SVD applied to Bild's data } \description{ Coefficients to weight components of E2F3 pathway to score for activity, derived from SVD applied to Bild's data } \usage{data(e2f3Wts)} \format{ The format is: Named num [1:298] -0.0613 0.0589 -0.0626 -0.0596 -0.0541 ... - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:298] "223320_s_at" "213485_s_at" "209735_at" "239579_at" ... } \details{ %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the __description__ above ~~ } \source{ %% ~~ reference to a publication or URL from which the data were obtained ~~ } \references{ %% ~~ possibly secondary sources and usages ~~ } \examples{ data(e2f3Wts) ## maybe str(e2f3Wts) ; plot(e2f3Wts) ... } \keyword{datasets}