\name{map2Systematic2} \alias{map2Systematic2} \title{A secondary function that maps the Intact ID's to Yeast Systematic Names if possible} \description{ This function takse the Intact accession numbers and maps to the SGD ID's via intact repository and truncates the SGD ID's to find the yeast systematic names. } \usage{ map2Systematic2(allProt, tableList, sWAC) } \arguments{ \item{allProt}{A character vector of protein ID's} \item{tableList}{A List of tables. The parsed XLM files of the IntAct database} \item{sWAC}{The data file sWAC2Sys} } \value{ A character vector - The return value is a mapping of each Intact ID to it's respecting systematic name. } \author{T Chiang} \keyword{datagen}